Excited that Ivy Bromius joins the Virtual Alexandria to delve into the intersection of project management, magical practice, and personal transformation. We'll explore integrating project management principles into magical work and how agile methodologies align with spiritual and creative pursuits. You’ll learn to use magical practices to enhance your work life and career and get valuable advice on balancing the practical and mystical elements of achieving long-term goals. We'll also dive into a deeply personal and transformative journey as our guest shares her experience of blending magic with traditional cancer treatment. From viewing their health crisis as an initiation process to creating a "Cancer Grimoire," Ivy will provide profound insights into resilience, healing, and the profound impact of magical and spiritual practices in the face of adversity.
More on Ivy: https://circlethrice.com/
Stream All Astro Gnosis Conferences: https://thegodabovegod.com/replay-sophia/
The Gnostic Tarot: https://www.makeplayingcards.com/sell/synkrasis
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Virtual Alexandria Academy: https://thegodabovegod.com/virtual-alexandria-academy/
Voice Over services: https://thegodabovegod.com/voice-talent/
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