We journey from Atlantis to modern times to understand two competing ideologies that define humanity’s struggle across history. This investigation unearths the dark secrets of the Gnostics, the innate gifts of ESP, and the mystical hope of a better future. Why are there groups and figures that insist on becoming God while bringing about the apocalypse? What is the truth behind many secret societies and magical systems? We answer this and much more.
Astral Guest – Jonathan Barlow Gee, author of Neo-Sethians of the Order of Death.
This is a partial show for nonmembers. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member: http://thegodabovegod.com/members/subscription-levels/ or patron at Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/aeonbyte
More information on Jonathan: http://www.benpadiah.com/
Get the book: https://issuu.com/benpadiah/docs/neoseth
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