In this episode, consultant dermatologists Emma and Ellie focus on how to take care of our skin as we age.
Ageing is a privilege we should all embrace – and with the right skincare there’s no reason we shouldn’t be looking better than ever as the years pass.
How does Emma’s skin look better now than it did on her wedding day 20 years ago? Emma and Ellie share the best ways to protect your skin against the ageing effects of UVA, pollution and oxidative stress.
Beware - quick fixes are a myth, it's physically impossible not to age… but there are simple and effective methods to help you rebuild your collagen and get your glow back.
Founded by Dr Emma Craythorne, Klira is a bespoke luxury skincare formula prescribed by dermatologists. You may hear it mentioned from time to time on the podcast and if you want to find out more head over to
Producer: Ella Blaxill
Series Editor: Eve Streeter
Music by Simon Elms
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