Giselle was in the hospital after giving birth to her first child, enjoying a coffee and chatting with other new mothers. Suddenly, Giselle felt her heart and lungs stop, and her spirit left her body. Floating in a dark, comforting space, she retained her memory and personality. She asked God to take her to Him and traveled through a tunnel toward a bright light, where she was welcomed by loving beings of light. They reviewed her life, showing her where she could improve, emphasizing that her soul should control her body.
They explained that she had arrived prematurely and still had much to do on earth. Despite her reluctance, a brighter being, possibly Jesus, showed her the importance of her role in her newborn son's life. Giselle agreed to return, re-entering her body as they revived her with defibrillator paddles.
Determined to live a better life, Giselle strives to help others and see the positive in life. She cherishes her time on earth with her family and looks forward to eventually returning home to God.