253 avsnitt • Längd: 85 min • Månadsvis
Against Everyone with Conner Habib is a podcast of deep but accessible and fun explorations of art, spirituality, philosophy, activism, and culture. This is big talk in a friendly tone with some of. the most compelling people of our time.
The podcast Against Everyone with Conner Habib is created by Against Everyone With Conner Habib. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
My guest this episode is writer, scholar, teacher, and astrologer, RONNIE PONTIAC. I've been impressed and informed by Ronnie's esoteric work for awhile now, and finally, we got to have our first conversation. And it's a profound one...
We talk about the need for a spiritual path in our moment, and how the alternative is... well, quite grim. We talk about how spirituality can lead us into a path of hatred and personal gain. We talk about my suspicion about astrology, how I think it works, how I think it does’t work, why so much of it is wrong (and why Ronnie is so often right!). And there's so much more on this episode (Including my extended intro on the esoteric aim of being a Friend To Humanity.)
Ronnie was a key figure at the Philosophical Research Society founded in 1934 by Manly Palmer Hall. The PRS is still around, and promotes, teaches, and offers research opportunities into the esoteric & philosophical of all societies; with the values of freedom, community, objective study, and inclusiveness at its core. He's the author most recently of American Metaphysical Religion: Esoteric and Mystical Traditions of the New World. His forthcoming book, which can preorder now, is The Rosicrucian Counterculture: The Origins and Influence of the Invisible Society.
I talk with spiritual teacher and author Lisa Romero about the challenges that are facing us today and an unlikely key to progressing through them: the esoteric mysteries of Ireland.
This is the is the sixth and final episode in a series of episodes on How To Live in 2025, focusing on the thoughts, feelings, and actions we need to thrive, develop, create, and resist. In other words, tools that don’t merely deaden us in the frantic pursuit of survival, but that assist us in nourishing ourselves, each other, and the world, all together.
This time, the theme is READ
and my guest is ALEXANDER CHEE.
At the end of this episode, the exercise is a little different. First we do a reading for you, the listener, in the world and its anxieties and challeneges. We consider what they are, how to approach them, and how not to approach them. Then, Alex and I do a reading for what you could be reading... We draw a tarot card and let it give book recommendations.
Alex the author of three books, most recently his essay collection How To Write An Autobiographical Novel, and also two novels, Edinburgh and The Queen of the Night.
This is the fifith in a series of episodes on How To Live in 2025, focusing on the thoughts, feelings, and actions we need to thrive, develop, create, and resist.In other words, tools that don’t merely deaden us in the frantic pursuit of survival, but that assist us in nourishing ourselves, each other, and the world, all together.
The theme isPEACEKEEP
and my guest isCHEYNEY RYAN.
Cheyney works withThe Oxford Consortium for Human Rights. He's a a researcher; professor; founder of the Institute for Ethics, Law, and Armed Conflict at Oxford; and author, most recently, of the excellent book,Pacifism as War Abolitionism and also ofThe Chickenhawk Syndrome: War, Sacrifice, and Personal Responsibility, as well as many articles on peace activism, pacifism, Marxism, and nonviolent action (you can find links to plenty of the here).
PEACEKEEP was a word I had to invent for the show because we have such an undeveloped language of peace. While the lexicon of war is extensive, the act of creating true peace in the world doesn’t exist in an active word.
That is in part because thewar system - as Cheyney calls the autonomous, seemingly inexorable network of war activities, sites, motivations, and contracts - has instead on the articulation of its own anatomy. It's entranced us into detailing its every contour so that we become more and more convinced of its reality and density.
This is the third in a series of episodes on HOW TO LIVE IN 2025, focusing on the thoughts, feelings, and actions we need to thrive, develop, create, and resist. At the end of each of these episodes, I’ll offer an exercise - a thought exercise, spiritual exercise, or practical exercise - that brings an experiential dimension to what I and the shows guests talk about.
This episode’s theme is DIE
and my guest is bestselling author and host of the Ask A Mortician YouTube channel, CAITLIN DOUGHTY.
This is the third in a series of episodes on HOW TO LIVE IN 2025, focusing on the thoughts, feelings, and actions we need to thrive, develop, create, and resist. At the end of each of these episodes, I’ll offer an exercise - a thought exercise, spiritual exercise, or practical exercise - that brings an experiential dimension to what I and the shows guests talk about.
This episode’s theme is CONNECT
And my guest is organizer, activist, and writer, DEAN SPADE
Our disconnection from each other is the negative space that power thrives in. It's a void that threatens to overtake us with its heavy unfeeling emptiness.
Connection is the remedy, but more than that: it's the great meaning we all seek.
The connections we form with each other can create networks of mutual aid, solidarity, safety, love, pleasure, and happy engagement with the challenges of our time.
Dean's new book, Love in a F*cked-Up World: How to Build Relationships, Hook Up, and Raise Hell Together offers a powerful look at connection. And it gives everything its title promises: a wealth of practical steps you can take to learn how to live well in this world through what you learn in relationship with others.
It’s a book about relationships that takes nothing for granted from the dominant narratives that rule our lives.
Rather than trying to fit society as it is, the book asks us what it would look like if our relationships were built out of our desires, including our desire to create a better word through better relationships.
This is the second in a series of episodes on HOW TO LIVE IN 2025, focusing on the thoughts, feelings, and actions we need to thrive, develop, create, and resist. At the end of each of these episodes, I’ll offer an exercise - a thought exercise, spiritual exercise, or practical exercise - that brings an experiential dimension to what I and the shows guests talk about.
This episode's theme: PRAY
and my guest, BASTIAAN BAAN.
Bastiaan Baan is a teacher, author, and was a Christian Community priest in the Netherlands. His many books include the just-released Trust in the Future: Facing Uncertain Times With Confidence; his book on the relationship between Christianity and the elemental beings, Lord of the Elements: Interweaving Christianity and Nature; and his exploration of christian paths of meditation, Ways into Christian Meditation. He also speaks around the world on spiritual topics.
This is the first in a series of episodes on How To Live in 2025, focusing on the thoughts, feelings, and actions we need to thrive, develop, create, and resist. At the end of each of these episodes, I’ll offer an exercise - a thought exercise, spiritual exercise, or practical exercise - that brings an experiential dimension to what I and the shows guests talk about. That way, you won’t only be participating by listening, but you can actually bring some of the vitality of the conversation forward.
The theme and action of this episode is ENVISION.
And my guest is ROB HOPKINS.
Rob is the author of From What Is to What If: Unleashing the Power of Imagination to Create the Future We Want and the forthcoming Falling in Love with the Future. He's also the host of the excellent 100-episode podcast, From What If to What Next which features a different conversation with big thinkers on each episode. He's also a founder of the Transition Network, which works via multiple initiatives (planting trees, local food sufficiency, alternate modes of transport, mental health support, and more) to usher towns and communities out of their entanglement with cultural, political and economic death, and into thriving and healthy sufficiency.
The task ahead is daunting: We must totally recreate economy, politics, and culture. How can we move forward with help from the three gifts of the magi: gold, frankincense, and myrrh?
I talk with money teacher and listener favorite PILAR LESKO about the spiritual realities of making, spending, and gifting money in challenging times.
Our inner lives do matter, more than ever, in this moment. But how do they matter, and how can we offer them up to the tasks of our time? And what if some of us get those inner conditions properly oriented to the spiritual work of the world we're in, but most people don't? Will any of it make a difference?
To discuss this, I welcomed author and teacher Lisa Romero back to the show.Lisa and I talked about these themes before on the show, on AEWCH 257, but now we develop them more deeply here, particularly in relation to how the world is unfolding.
In the wake of Donald Trump’s second election win, amongst those who didn’t vote for him at least, calls for mourning and grieving have been issued all around. The idea being that something has been lost, that it may be irretrievable, that a brokenness must be felt and that we should honor that feeling.
But what if instead of making room to mourn, we notice that we’ve already made plenty of room for feeling — too much, in fact — and what if all that expression of feeling has become part of the problem?
On this episode, I look into the problems with our feelings about politics when they don't meet our thinking and action correctly. Rather than make lots of predictions about what's next. or try to figure out who to blame, or even assume that anyone who listens to the show voted one way or the other, I consider
1. The problems with the intense expressions of emotion.
2. How Trump was elected again anyway (with as little speculation as possible).
3. Why the political realm is dead in its current form.
4. Where we can draw strength from to create a new political life that can adapt to individuals and economies.
5. What to do about the fact that a lot of people are our "enemies."
6. The path that we're on in the world and in our own development.
Together and in each of our individualities, we will create a new way.
I talk with Faroese songwriter and performer Eivør about music, water, The Faroe Islands, and myth!
I talk with authors/teachers/organizers DEAN SPADE (Mutual Aid) & SHULI BRANSON (Practical Anarchism) about how to get out of the mindset of the state as the election approaches, and how to think about creative and real engagement with the political instead.
On the heels of the release of their first album in 20 years (!) I talk with Karate frontman GEOFF FARINA about music as a conversation with ideas, and how music creates a lens for life.
Michaelmas is the esoteric christian celebration of the Archangel Michael. How can connecting with the impulses of the holiday show us how to co-share their burden of those who are suffering; strengthen love through our will; and leave the path of empowering violence?
Why is white magic so ill-defined? And why is it vital for our spirituality today AND if the occult is going to continue to matter? This is the second episode in a two part series on white magic, and on this one, I strive towards a definition by giving seven points.
Why is white magic so ill-defined? And why is it vital for our spirituality today AND if the occult is going to continue to matter? I begin this short series of episodes by looking at Saint Brendan the Navigator and how his seven-year voyage from Ireland to North America, as well as my encounters with him, can help us understand what white magic is.
Part two in a two part series on figuring out - from a spiritual rather than materialist starting point - how to live in our moment.
Part one in a short series on figuring out - from a spiritual rather than materialist starting point - how to live in our moment.
How does music become meaningful? How does it become meaning? And what can we learn about reality from music without reducing music to its function?
Rudolf Steiner said “The music of the spheres is a reality. As soon as we come into the spiritual world which lies beyond the soul-world, we are in a world which lives altogether in sound and song, in melody and harmony, and harmonies of spoken sound. Out of these inner relationships of sound the human ear is formed. “
I invited guitarist and songwriter BEN CHASNY AKA SIX ORGANS OF ADMITTANCE on the show to discuss all of this. Ben last appeared on the show way back on AEWCH 45 when we talked about Rudolf Steiner and the spiritual aspects of intervals. Well... sort of. Ben's actually been on every episode for quite some time because we recreated the AEWCH theme song (originally co-composed with AEWCH guest, Jeb Havens) together. On this episode, he plays the song live and we discuss writing it together. We talk about the essential aspects of music, if there are any. And we look at the spiritual influencer culture of podcasting that has eroded its credibility over the years.
At the end, Ben plays "The Mission" from the recent Six Organs of Admittance album Time Is Glass, which is, as it turns out, about me and my boyfriend.
Why is transforming time the most urgent task? I examine this through the works of Jean Gebser, Rudolf Steiner, Byron Katie, Jeff Vandermeer, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Emmanuel Swedenborg, and more.
I talk with legendary experimental pop musician and philosopher TOM KRELL, AKA, How To Dress Well, about art, spirt, and connecting with each other in the vast distances between us.
Hope is dead. Long live hope! Whereas once hope was simply an audacious wish that we turned over to representatives of power, hope now can be a radical act through which we erode power.
But how? How do we leverage hope to help us direct and engage rather than simply wish and spectate?
To investigate this, I asked one of the most exciting and influential political thinkers of our time, JOHN HOLLOWAY.
John is the author of many influential and internationally recognized books, including Hope in Hopeless Times (the last in a series of books about how to find new strategies of flourishing and living away from capitalism, starting with Change the World Without Taking Power: The Meaning of Revolution Today and its sequel, Crack Capitalism.) He teaches sociology in the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, and has worked with the Zapatista movement.
In this episode, we talk about hope without delusion. Dreaming big without forgetting to act, acting small without forgetting the big vision, how and why we need to get rid of money, and more. I'm so happy to have spoken with John and to share this with you!
“The study of movement is a science of the imperceptible...” In the final episode of my series on scientific concepts, I talk with historian of science and culture, Janina Wellmann, about the mystery of motion, movement, and stillness.
I talk with author of The Invention of Nature: Alexander Von Humboldt's New World and Magnificent Rebels: The First Romantics and the Invention of the Self, Andrea Wulf about the meeting point of science and art... and why it matters so much. Episode six in my series on how science intersects with our lives!
I talk with Predrag Slijepčevic, biologist and author of Biocivilisations: A New Look at the Science of Life about the radical potential of biology and symbiosis! This is the fifth episode in my series on how scientific concepts intersect with our lives.
I do a deep dive on the work of scientist, psychoanalyst, Marxist, and criminal, Wilhelm Reich... both on my own and with Dr. James Strick. It's a whole episode examining Reich's theories and experiments, as part of my series of episodes on how science intersects with our daily lives!
I talk with cultural theorist and nature philosopher ERICA BERRY, author of Wolfish: Wolf, Self, and the Stories We Tell about Fear.
This is the third episode in a series of episodes about how science and scientific concepts intersect with our lives!
I talk with wildlife biologist and the co-host of my favorite podcast, Tooth & Claw, about what happens when animals attack people, and why it makes for such a good story. The second episode in my series of episodes on how science and scientific concepts intersect with our lives.
In the first episode in a series of episodes about how scientific concepts intersect with our lives in surprising ways, I talk with author of In Light Years There's No Hurry, Marjolijn van Heemstra about the way that conceptualizing space differently can heal and transform us in the face of the challenges that confront us today.
On this challenging episode, I talk with author and psychoanalyst Avgi Saketopoulou about how to reframe what trauma is, and how to think beyond consent.
On Thursday, March 28, myself and journalist & organizer UNA MULLALLY, presented the event THE BEGINNING IS NEAR in Dublin, where we talked about the end of the world and what comes after that. It marked in person with frequent AEWCH guests, philosopher and activist SREĆKO HORVAT, and cultural critic and writer MARK O'CONNELL.
The event marked Srećko's first speaking engagement in Ireland, and also my first attempt at creating an "AEWCH event" in Ireland. I'd love to do many more.
The night was broken into halves: first, we talked about apocalypse. Then we had a short break and spoke about renewal. What arose was a challenging set of indications and prospects, failures and pathways.
Some questions that came up:
Is the apocalypse always happening?
What does the esoteric tell us about how to live beyond apocalypse?
What is the role of art in renewal?
Why is it important to evade the political realm?
What is the use of hope?
Enjoy the episode!
On this personal, spiritual, and worldly episode, I talk with spiritual teacher and writer Lisa Romero - using events in my own life - about how turning point in our lives, and our relationships, can offer opportunities to help the world's development... if we work through them properly.
I talk with novelist, essayist, playwright, and organizer Sarah Schulman about bringing utopianism and reform together in the political and cultural realms.
I talk with journalist, activist, and artist Una Mullally about what happens after collapse and how we can learn to draw strength from the destruction of who we once were.
After a short break, we're back - and AEWCH 228 guest SHULI BRANSON returns to discuss anarchism, spirituality, and peace. This is a special crossposted episode with Shuli's excellent new podcast, The Breakup Theory!
I talk with author of BIG FICTION: HOW CONGLOMERATION CHANGED THE PUBLISHING INDUSTRY AND AMERICAN LITERATURE, Dan Sinykin, about how the aesthetics of what we read is shaped by big business decisions.
I talk with fantasy and horror novelist Sarah Maria Griffin about what it takes - and what it takes from you - to be a working writer.
I talk with Rev. Jonah Evans about what "spiritual work" is, how it differs from other kinds of work, how it differs from spiritual practice, and why we probably can't just call everything spiritual work.
Leftists and progressives more broadly are becoming increasingly aware of the lie of "loving what you do." And we're also becoming more aware of the ways corporations try to ameliorate real reflection and demands for higher wages via "perks" like organic cereal dispensers and "funny hat day" and other forms of glitzy dross.
But conversations about all the above, as important as they are, can sometimes reduce fuller conversations to a political/rights dimension, which don't consider feeling, culture, the individual, or even economy. One of the sites of labor where this is evident is the "dream job." That's a category that includes YouTube "stars," writers, podcasters, adult performers, and more.
My friend - regular AEWCH guest, the bestselling author and mortician and YouTube star of Ask A Mortician - Caitlin Doughty and I have been "making content" for over a decade. We talk about how the landscape has changed, where it's going, but mostly how this particular form of work is emblematic for the "dream job" that is at once elevated and belittled in our society, free and exhausting, life-giving and soul-killing.
My hope is that you'll reflect on your own work and dreams as you listen. And that we'll all talk more about how to make our artistic efforts more free and easier to engage with, while at the same time dissolving the "grind" of it.
Happy 250 episodes to this crazy, exhausting, fun, enlivening thing. Thanks for being along for the ride.
Why would anyone start a podcast? Doesn't everyone have a podcast? Is podcast work actually work? Is there a spiritual aspect to podcasting? (And also, why do we all have to work, even with all this crazy stuff going on in the world?)
Is peace possible? If so, is it possible or even okay to find it in a time of extreme conflict and violence? Is it ethical to work towards your personal goals in a time of crisis? I look at this from a spiritual perspective on the first episode of the year.
Happy Holidays, friends!
Track List
Elk River by Ben Chasney/Six Organs of Admittance from AEWCH 45 • Boomer Class by Dick Diver • What Have I Done by Anna Ternheim (live) • Sudden by Jeb Havens • The Speeding Train by The Van Pelt • The Land of Spirit and Light (Part 3) by Michael White • Galway Girl by Daoiri Farrell with Geoff Kinsella and Robbie Walsh live at the airport • TNT by Wye Oak • Ulna by Feathers • Steely Dan by Geoff Farina • Live Till You Die by Emitt Rhodes • AEWCH theme (Ronson-y version) by Conner Habib, Jeb Havens, and Ben Castle • You Forgot by Railroad Jerk
I talk with visionary artist and front person of Lungfish, musician Daniel Higgs about friendship, perceiving spiritual beings in a spiritual landscape, the way a presence appears in the middle of a concert, and the role trust plays in relationship and creating art.
Political philosopher of empires and subversions, Michael Hardt returns to the show to discuss how to walk on water when we're drowning.
I went to the island of Vís in Croatia to talk with visionary philosopher, author, and organizer Srećko Horvat about living a good life in the midst of madness, and his new project (with Bifo Berardi and Pamela Anderson), the Island School of Social Autonomy.
I talk with Lisa Romero about the esoteric answer to the question of our time: What is to be done?
I invite my favorite Norwegian occultist acupuncturist veterinarian, Are Thoresen, back on the show to encounter materialism and see where it falls short. Time, space, physics, animal communication, healing... nothing is off the table in this episode.
I turn to my favorite money-worker, Pilar Lesko, for a spiritual perspective on quantities, financial integrity, and spiritualizing money beyond "abundance."
I talk with Duncan Barford and Alan Chapman - authors of the Baptist's Head trilogy and co-hosts of the WORP FM spirituality/magick/paranormal podcast - bout misunderstanding magick, spiritual development, and practice...and how to re-connect to destiny and peace.
I talk with scholar and author Mitch Horowitz about why the occult matters in a time of chaos. We talk about the radical possibilities it might offer today, the ethics (and the unethical) of esotericism, and more.
To cap off my episodes on music, here's a mix tape for you of some of my favorite songs and some stories about them, too. It includes rarities, songs you might not know, live performances, and more.
Persevere by Dave Le'Aupepe/Gang of Youths (live/acoustic) from AEWCH 31
Purple Haze by Ris Paul Ric from Purple Haze
Before You Go by Sarah Jaffe (live/a cappella)
When the Breakers go Back on Fulltime by Daoirí Farrell
As Long As I Live by Bruce Penninsula
Absence by Antarctica
Josh Has A Crush on a Femme from Reed by The New Bad Things
Swan Swan H by REM (early version)
Jesus Christ by The Pupils
The Rest of the Day by Bedhead
Here Comes the Flood by Peter Gabriel from the 1979 BBC Xmas Special
Special Diamonds by Geoff Farina
Oscillator by Satisfact
People Die by Travis Morrison
Now You Are Free by Augustines
I talk with my favorite live singer, Nina Persson of The Cardigans, about earworms, songs we sing at home, the power of singing, and more in the third episode in my series of eps on musicians talking about music.
In the second episode in my series talking about music with musicians, Ian Lynch (LANKUM + FIRE DRAW NEAR podcast) and I discuss how traditional Irish music pulls from the earth and horror and rebellion to vitalize itself and its listeners, both boozy and sobered.
Kicking off my series of episodes talking about music in our lives and world with musicians is prolific musical artist Will Oldham AKA Bonnie "Prince" Billy!
Concluding my series on HORROR, I talk about horror's offerings to the world - which go much deeper than most people (even horror scholars!) suggest.
In the fourth of my episodes on horror, I talk with new horror star CJ Leede (Maeve Fly) and seasoned master Paul Tremblay (The Cabin at the End of the World, The Beast You Are) about the burdens and pleasures of writing such dark material.
In the third episode on HORROR, I talk with two award winning horror authors - John Langan (The Fisherman) and Sophie White (Where I End) - about the way horror inheres in places and in the bodies of everyone we know!
In this second episode on a series on horror, I talk with masters of the genre Sara Gran (Come Closer, The Book of the Most Precious Substance) and Nathan Ballingrud (North American Lake Monsters, The Strange) about creating forceful and frightening art, the fear of not knowing the truth (and the fear of investigating), why horror films scare us in a different way than horror novels/stories, and more.
Kicking off a series of episodes on horror, I talk with cosmic horror writer and scholar Matt Cardin!
How to identify and avoid false spiritual paths, and how to cultivate true ones (without judgment!)
I talk with journalist, artist, and activist Una Mullally about how catastrophizing helps keep things on the wrong track, and how to face four challenges of our time - fascism, climate change, AI, and the groomer moral panic - with new ways of thinking/feeling/acting. This is a transformative conversation!
Is academia beyond mere reform? How do we engage with wisdom, knowledge, and learning without the shibboleth of "education" - I talk with all of this and more with radical and researcher Eli Meyerhoff!
I talk with author and teacher Scott Branson about the kaleidoscope of anarchism and how to imaginatively and actively change the entire world for the better.
I talk with author Mark O'Connell about how we think of murderers - and how horrific crimes bend reality and change us - using Malcolm MacCarthur's murders. and Mark's new book on him, as the starting point.
I talk about developing a spiritual anchor in the face of material goals and political chaos with T.K. Coleman of The Minimalists!
In the last installment of my esoteric christianity series, I talk with my sister, Laura Scappaticci, about my encounter with the works of Rudolf Steiner, why they matter now... and also how not to encounter them.
In the fifth episode on esoteric & occult christianity, I talk with Lisa Romero about why connecting with love is essential going forward, meditative techniques and pictures to help you along the path + new articulations of true but vague tropes including what "all you need is love" means, anyway.
In the fourth episode in a series on occult esoteric christianity, I talk with Daniel Joseph & Aki Toshimitsu of the Researchers of Truth about the stream of esoteric Christinaity expressed by Cypriot healer and teacher, Daskalos. Plus. a beautiful meditation at the end from Aki.
In the third episode on my series on occult & esoteric christianity, I talk with writer and researcher David Lorimer about one of esoteric christianity's lesser known but most profound figures, Bulgarian teacher Peter Deunov (1830 - 1918), also known as Beinsa Douno.
In the second episode in a series on occult & esoteric christianity, I talk with Rev. Patrick Kennedy - cohost of The Light In Every Thing podcast and Christian Community priest - about how esoteric christianity and religion meet.
In the first in a series of episodes on occult & esoteric christianity, I talk with Rev. Jonah Evans - cohost of The Light In Every Thing podcast and Christian Community priest - about why esoteric christianity matters now more than ever.
I talk with writer, podcaster, and spiritual practitioner Duncan Barford about his path of spiritual development, the Baptist's Head work (with Alan Chapman), and the pitfalls of magick.
I ask spirtualism and AI researcher and professor Simone Natale: Why does anyone want AI, anyway?
I talk with an old friend of mine for the first time in 20 years - punk musician Ted Leo - about the ethics of the punk scene that informed our ethics, morals, and creativity... and why we need them now. Plus, Ted plays two songs live.
I talk with The Minimalists' Joshua Fields Millburn about how to see the world through a sense meaning, not a desire for objects.
Gang of Youths frontman Dave Le'Aupepe.returns to the show to talk about wrestling with the angels of music and time.
Listener favorite Peter Rollins and I talk about 6 pivotal moments in our own spiritual development, and what they might mean from the other's perspective!
What is love? What is death? How do they walk hand in hand? Join me and my favorite mortician, Caitlin Doughty, to think about it all. Happy Valentine's Day!
In the fifth How To Live Beyond episode, I talk with spiritual trailblazer, early developer of Findhorn, and navigator of subtle realms, David Spangler about moving past materialistic and shallow spiritual ideas of nature and its beings.
In the fourth How To Live Beyond episode, writer and artist Fariha Róisín and I discuss the problems with wellness, and what radical wellness would look like - less tracking on your fitbit and more connecting with God.
In the third How To Live Beyond episode, I discuss the perils and benefits of abundance/manifestation/mindset tactic stuff with my favorite journeyer into business and money, Pilar Lesko. We consider how to get past money magick and how to de-commodify money.
In the second ep of my How To Live Beyond series, Lisa Romero and I talk about moving past entheogens and magic without condemning them + why they're not up to the challenges of our time... and what to do now instead.
In the first ep of my How To Live Beyond series, Mitch Horowitz and I discuss the good and bad of the new age movement; what to bring with us from it in 2023 and what to leave behind!
On the last episode of 2022, I talk with meditation teacher and listener favorite, Michael Lipson (prev. on AEWCH 139) about: meeting strangers • on being afraid of spiritual reality • jouissance • keeping individuality while meeting the other • longing for connection • what happens when out desires conflict with our ethics • needs vs wants • the spiritual being with a TV for a head • magic and the Moon • why every life matters even though we reincarnate • the three loaves of bread as an occult secret • Simone Weil and affliction •
Talking D&D, AA as mystery school, fantasy, curation, Lovecraft, conspiracy, and psychoanalysis with occult scholar Peter Bebergal and countercultural pastor Barry Taylor!
Norwegian occultist/veterinarian/acupuncturist Are Thoresen returns to the show to go deep into the spiritual experience and challenge of our time.
I talk about UFOS with Diana Walsh Pasulka & Doug Rushkoff + ask whether or not spiritually enlightened tech is possible. The answer: Kinda? But it's not going to come from the people running it now.
Part two of my conversation about why magic may not be the best tool for us in developing a spiritual perspective in our time, featuring Phil Ford & JF Martel of the Weird Studies podcast!
I talk about why magic may not be the best tool for navigating the world we're in with the hosts of Weird Studies, Phil Ford & JF Martel. Part one in a two part conversation!
I talk about the occult significance and spiritual offerings of horror fiction and film (with lots of recommendations!)
The conclusion of my 3 part series celebrating 200 episodes of AEWCH, featuring mystic podcaster Duncan Trussell in conversation with occult teacher Lisa Romero on Spirit, and new age scholar Mitch Horowitz in conversation with anarchist organizer Dean Spade on hope.
Mark O'Connell and Peter Rollins talk with me about immortality and God + Sara Gran & Una Mullally talk with me about art and integrity on part two my 3 part series celebrating 200 episodes of AEWCH!
Mortician Caitlin Doughty talks with paranormal investigator John E.L. Tenney + therapist Chris Donaghue talks with religion critic and journalist Caelainn Hogan as I kick off my 3 part series celebrating 200 episodes of AEWCH 200!
I talk about the esoteric pathway of my hometown with powwow practitioner Robert Phoenix!
I talk with anarchist philosopher of magic, Federico Campagna, about recreating reality as our most urgent political project.
I talk about all things gay and queer with the hosts of the Bad Gays podcast and author of Bad Gays: A Homosexual History, Huw Lemmey and Ben Miller!
I talk with psychotherapist Charlotte Fox Weber (author of What We Want: A Journey through Twelve of Our Deepest Desires) about why therapy matters, and about what our desires/fantasies can and can't give us.
I talk with author of My Sister The Serial Killer, Oyinkan Braithwaite, about crime fiction and pursuing all your dreams at once.
I talk about horror, fiction, and transhumanism with Catilin Doughty and Mark O'Connell live in Dublin + Offer a contemplation on the podcast and the value of novels (including Hawk Mountain!)
I talk with Swedish journalist and author Marit Kapla about her chronicle of everyday life in Sweden.
I'm the guest on my own show to celebrate the publication of my debut novel, Hawk Mountain! Irish writer/artist/journalist Una Mullally interrogates me for what is one of the best interviews of my life.
Here's a re-offering: instructions on creating your own autobiography of ideas, and my own lifetime of engaging with ideas and art.
I talk with Memorial author Bryan Washington about process, identity curation, and intensity in fiction. Plus: My US book tour dates!
Author Sara Gran joins me again to discuss occultism, obscurity, and the unknown in fiction.
I'm joined by geomancer, legendary artist, and founder of the OHO Movement, Marko Pogačnik, to discuss lithopuncture and elemental beings. This is one of those episodes that gets strange in the best way possible.
In the second installment in a series on Irish magic, I talk to anthropologist Dennis Gaffin about the ever-present influence of fairies in Ireland.
Kicking of my series on Irish magic, I talk with witchcraft scholar Andrew Sneddon about Irish witches and belief!
In the final episode on my series on esoteric christianity, I talk with Seth Jordan about the healing potential of social threefolding - a cultural/political/economic approach that arose from christian occultism
In which I read from my novel, Hawk Mountain, out this summer from W.W.Norton (US) and Doubleday/Penguin. I also talk about a mind-blowing bit of praise I got, my obsession with horror from a young age, and how you can preorder the book now.
I talk esoteric christianity and friendship with historian Anne Weise, whose book on Holocaust victim Alfred Bergel - and his friendship with anthroposophist Karl König - is both deeply poignant and utterly relevant. This is the fourth episode in my series about esoteric christianity.
I talk with founder of the MysTech study group, author and teacher Andrew Linnell, about a truly spiritual approach to the challenges and benefits of tech. This is the third episode in my series on esoteric Christianity.
In the second episode in my esoteric and occult christianity series, I talk with writer and spiritual teacher Lisa Romero; and she offers a potent spiritual exercise.
In the first episode of a series on esoteric and occult Christianity, I speak with Rev. Patrick Kennedy of the Christian Community and cohost of the amazing podcast The Light In Everything.
I talk with Dr. Chris Donaghue about navigating relationships in the final installment of my How To Live in 2022 series of episodes!
I talk with organizer and activist Dean Spade about spirituality in organizing on the fifth installment of my How To Live in 2022 series!
In the fourth of my How To Live in 2022 series, I talk with Jessica Dore - tarot reader, author, and mystic philosopher.
I talk with philosopher and writer Zena Hitz about the importance of learning for its own sake in this third episode in a series on How To Live,
I talk about the radical proposition of reincarnation.
On part 1 of my How To Live in 2022 series, I talk with occult scholar Mitch Horowitz about how to use the 7 Hermetic Principles in your daily life.
I talk with death expert and Ask A Mortician host Caitlin Doughty about the year about to die and what we need to leave behind as we move into 2022.
I'm so proud to share with you a comprehensive introduction and exploration of Irish mystic philosopher John Moriarty's work. The episode is a recording of the event I curated at the National Concert Hall, Republic of Birds, featuring me, Simone George, Mary McGillicuddy, and Dónal Ó Céilleachair.
I talk with scientific genius James Lovelock about the Gaia theory, the computer beings that will save us from climate change, and Rudolf Steiner.
A live episode with Una Mullally and Andrea Horan of the United Ireland podcast, talking exercises you can do to start creating utopia now.
I talk with archaeologist and co-author (with AEWCH 99 guest, David Graeber) of The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity, David Wengrow!
I talk with master of horror Ramsey Campbell about credulity and violence in horror narratives. Happy Halloween!
I break down Jacques Lacan's psychoanalysis/philosophy with theologian Peter Rollins + we discuss how it can be applied to culture/politics/economy.
I talk with the hosts of the wildly popular Weird Studies podcast about the philosophy of the weird.
To celebrate Michaelmas, I discuss what evil is (and isn't) and how to overcome it.
I talk with philosopher, historian, nature writer, and memoirist Philip Hoare about animals (especially whales), and nature (especially water).
I talk with journalist, author, and filmmaker Jon Ronson about walking away from snark, violence, and cruelty - even when we're anxious.
I talk about compassion and love with forensic psychiatrist Gwen Adshead, whose patients include serial killers and other violent offenders.
I talk with my best friend and (yikes!) ex-boyfriend - game designer and musician Jeb Havens - about the way love transforms us and also what a terrible boyfriend I was.
I talk with political journalist and documentarian Abby Martin about the love behind all activism and social change.
I talk with creator of The Midnight Gospel and The Duncan Trussell Family Hour, Duncan Trussell, about love and heartache.
I talk with bestselling horror author Paul Tremblay about why horror moves and repels us.
I talk with poet and editor Daniel Poppick about conversation and the way poetry evades the loss of possibility.
I talk about the problems with environmental narratives and conservationism with science writer Michelle Nijhuis.
I talk about the occult view on evolution & death, and especially what that means for our concept of extinction.
I talk timeline jumping, freedom, love, individuated spirituality, and more with energy mechanics worker Pilar Lesko.
I talk about the occult potency of James Joyce's Ulysses in conjunction with my new online book club, Ulysses for the Rest of Us, for the Museum of Literature Ireland!
I talk with occult and paranormal scholar Terje Simonsen about the uses and misuses of the paranormal.
Writer/artist/activist Una Mullally returns to AEWCH to talk utopia, folkloric animals, and the radical changes ahead.
On the 150th episode (!!!) I talk about what happens after we die from an occult perspective, and why it matters for our politics and philosophies.
I talk with author Carmen Maria Machado about the way desires always outrun us, about horror, about abuse narratives, and about genre.
I talk with anthropologist Stuart McLean about reality and unreality, and why the difference between them isn't what we think.
I talk with gender studies professor Dr. Heather Berg about my old job and her tremendous new book.
I talk with rapper and activist Vic Mensa about meditation, sexuality in hip hop, why identifying with a dream is as important as resistance, oh and that time Vic snuck into Stonehenge.
I talk with poet Stephen Sexton about poetry, console games, and magic.
I talk with religion and UFO scholar Diana Walsh Pasulka about aliens, academia, AI, and how to stay in spiritual integrity.
I talk with philosopher and activist Srećko Horvat about why we need to liberate time & space if we want to avoid the destruction of everything we love. So, yeah, we should probably get on that.
I talk with author, tarot reader, and actress Rachel True about tarot in politics, philosophy, and practice.
I talk with religious scholar and author Jason Storm about the need for new theorizing, occultism on the left, and the wrongheadedness of "re-enchanting" the world.
I talk with Blindboy Boatclub, host of The Blindboy podcast, author, and one half of the absurdist music duo The Rubberbandits, about art, time, the Irish consciousness, and landlords that are also ducks.
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.