Will people lose their enthusiasm to a machine that writes as a person? Will AI impact economists, investors and journalists? Tiernan Ray, business, technology and finance writer and editor talks about AI theories and how they will impact everyone around us including the role of a journalist.
In this podcast episode, he breaks down Moore's Law, AI and the demise of Journalism, or as he asks, "can AI summarize an author's work?" These questions and more will be covered in this episode of AI and the Future of work! Tiernan also talks about what he would tell his younger self.
Challenges for CIO's, IT Leaders and Journalists added in this Podcast:
1) How can AI help authors go through "The Process" of an idea, words on paper, to something actually published?
2) How can knowledge and data lead us to understand what customers want?
3) How can we get better at knowing, who is a "Noise Trader" verses who is a "Rational Investor"?
4) How has Deep Learning developed over decades? And how does it materialize in the market?
To learn more about Astound, visit: https://astound.ai/
For more information on Tiernan Ray, visit his LinkedIn page.