Passion? Excitement? Driven? These are all qualities of this dynamic CEO. Tess Posner is changing the world with her positive attitude and her great approach to problem solving in issues of all things related to AI and Education.
In this AI and the Future of Work podcast, Dan Turchin interviews Tess Posner, CEO of A.I. 4 All. She discusses how to mitigate AI bias and hiring best practices and how AI will impact women and youth. She also talks about what she would tell her younger self. Tess has an eye in gaining Data Literacy for all through her successful summer camp programs that are helping youth learn about AI. Today, students in middle and high school are benefiting their communities through their knowledge of AI through her program efforts.
Challenges for AI and Education, IT Leaders, and Youth:
1) How can AI help students start AI Clubs at school or via Hack a Thons?
2) How can knowledge and data literacy lead us to understand what businesses need in regards to hiring practices?
3) How can we provide teachers with curriculum that empowers them to teach their students about AI?
4) Is AI the driver of the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
5.) How AI solves a problem for Global Diversity
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