starting with 8086 and 640 kB, starting with GW Basic, enjoying Alley Cat and Monkey Island on Sega Master, switching to QBasic, protecting the lemmings, the cyber cafe Cyberia in London, learning Turbo Pascal, impressed by Java Applets, starting in 1998 at IBM Global Services, using Visual Age for Java, travelling the world, the envy version control for Visual Age for java, attending JavaPolis, qcon, first talk at JUG Augsburg about Continuous Delivery, the Continous Delivery Book, Ruby DSL migrations, “data will outlive the code”, database outlives the code, the travel report website, Flyway - the migration path for birds, using JDBC metadata for schema migrations, promoting FlywayDB, paid features and support contracts, running migrations on application startup, the Java EE simplicity
Axel Fontaine on twitter: @axelfontaine