podcast with adam bien
focus on Jakarta EE and devops, faster release cycles, Apache Cactus - the test container, daily releases and DevOps challenges, the perfect Sun servers, the deprecated Java EE deployment J2EE API, JSR 88: Java EE Application Deployment, onboarding of new developers is harder today, lean Java EE code is reusable in serverless world, Heroku and openshift started the serverless movement, blog post: How To Push Java EE 6 Applications To The Cloud In 5 Minutes, portability of Java workloads in the clouds, kubernetes vs. docker Compose, the costs of the clouds, or Kubernetes vs. serverless, Kubernetes on linode, Kubernetes is a monolith in the cloud, running private VPCs, the payara cloud and the rethinking of clustering, back to efficient monoliths, the plain Quarkus CDK lambda template, a quarkus AWS Lambda looks like an old Glassfish application, buying CPU with RAM, Java’s dependencies are easy to manage, Java’s serverless comeback,
Victor Orozco on twitter: @tuxtor, Victor's company: nabenik