An conversation with
about: "
Vaadin in Turku, simplifying with EJB 3 without layers, hacking JavaScript in browser, and the history of
how Joonas started vaadin,
the benefits of opensource,
WebComponents with Vaadin Elements, Java
generates WebComponents, Java is listening to WebComponents, melting frameworks, framework-less development with
effectiveweb workshop easy to explain ServiceWorkers,
level caching strategies with WorkBox, simple code first, Markus Code One Talk,
lit-html is the missing piece,
high performance with lit-html, lit-html outperforms virtual DOM,
Angular is J2EE for the frontend, Angular's clunky module system predates ES 6 modules, future Angular versions could
migrate away from the proprietary module system, possible breaking changes every 6 months, questionable DI in browser,
less code with WebStandards, polyfills make your app leaner, WebStandards are moving forward, webworkers and
webassembly, the lean WebStandard revolution, enterprise integration with WebComponents,
Custom Elements
Everywhere, Polymer's mission statement is to go away, polymer is the anti framework, npm is the remaining
strange thing, the future of Vaadin, PWA for Java developers, upcoming WebStandards, and layered APIs,
Flow, and
Vaadin Components,