CPC Schneider / Amstrad, playing with Basic and sound, building an 3d engine in BASIC, from BASIC to Java, the private school: BSZ Wiesau, ObjectStore, Versant, Poet, Object database, moving the IDE to Eclipse, using Vaadin as frontend framework, RapidClipse, Markus Kett on airhacks.fm: "#36 Java Native Database", "#116 MicroStream: When a Java Application Becomes a DB", the object-relation impedance mismatch, Object-Relational Mapping is the Vietnam of Computer Science, JetStream became microstream, Java Serializer only supports a complete snapshot, MicroStream supports partial serialization, FileMaker - productivity for non-programmers, using sun.mics.Unsafe, id to object mapping with SwissLink, cloud-native storage with S3, DynamoDB and MicroStream, Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier: ulid, managing object versions with microstream.one
Florian Habermann on twitter: @FHHabermann