100 avsnitt • Längd: 90 min • Månadsvis
3 guys occasionally talking about MCP. Formerly Chicago’s premier Guild Ball podcast.
The podcast Alfredos Size 3 Taco Truck: A Marvel Crisis Protocol Podcast is created by Pat Van Value. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
In this episode we discuss the New Crisis Cards and play a goofy "game".
Recorded 3/14/25
Come join us at Squad Goals 2025 - https://www.squadgoalsmcp.com
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we talk about our experiences at LVO 2025 and get sidetracked to argue about 6+ point models.
Recorded 1/27/25
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we play back of the box, talk about the concept of playstyle in MCP, discuss Midnight Sons roster variations, and play back of the box.
Recorded 11/25/24
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we're joined by Second Wind 6 winner Erek Wong to talk about his experience at the event.
Recorded 10/25/24
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we talk about Nate and Vince's experiences at this years CarlCon, play back of the box, and talk a lot about Dracula and friends.
Recorded 9/23/24
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we talk about Apocalypse, have feelings about new Asgard models and play back of the box.
Recorded 8/18/24
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This episode we discuss Namor, Pat's ideal faction, and tournament head space.
Recorded 6/?/24
Acquire Alfredo's widgets @ https://www.museonstore.com/products/size3tacotruck-widget-set-for-marvel-crisis-protocol?ref=SIZE3TACOS
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we talk about grand tournaments, Squad Goals, and newly spoiled models.
Recorded 6/2/24
Acquire Alfredo's widgets @ https://www.museonstore.com/products/size3tacotruck-widget-set-for-marvel-crisis-protocol?ref=SIZE3TACOS
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we talk about GTs + MCP worlds, roster building for team events, and Pat is bad at game shows. Second Wind tickets soon at www.secondwindchicago.com
Recorded 5/5/24
Acquire Alfredo's widgets @ https://www.museonstore.com/products/size3tacotruck-widget-set-for-marvel-crisis-protocol?ref=SIZE3TACOS
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
In this episode we discuss Adepticon. How we did and what was spoiled at the con.
Come to Squad Goals! Squad Goals is a 3 person team MCP event in Chicago May 18th-19th 2024. Details and tickets at https://www.squadgoalsmcp.com
Recorded 3/29/24
Acquire Alfredo's widgets @ https://www.museonstore.com/products/size3tacotruck-widget-set-for-marvel-crisis-protocol?ref=SIZE3TACOS
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
Come to Squad Goals! Squad Goals is a 3 person team MCP event in Chicago May 18th-19th 2024. Details and tickets at https://www.squadgoalsmcp.com
This week we discucss the CGR changes, play back of the box, and talk about all the new X-Men models.
Recorded 2/11/24
Acquire Alfredo's widgets @ https://www.museonstore.com/products/size3tacotruck-widget-set-for-marvel-crisis-protocol?ref=SIZE3TACOS
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we talk about what Alex and Pat have been playing.
Recorded 1/12/23
Acquire Alfredo's widgets @ https://www.museonstore.com/products/size3tacotruck-widget-set-for-marvel-crisis-protocol?ref=SIZE3TACOS
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
Recorded 12/21/23
Acquire Alfredo's widgets @ https://www.museonstore.com/products/size3tacotruck-widget-set-for-marvel-crisis-protocol?ref=SIZE3TACOS
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we talk about timelines, play back of the box, and talk about Cyclops/X-Men/Ultron a bit
Recorded 11/26/23
Acquire Alfredo's widgets @ https://www.museonstore.com/products/size3tacotruck-widget-set-for-marvel-crisis-protocol?ref=SIZE3TACOS
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we're joined by special guest Zach Cohen, winner of Second Wind 5. We talk about his list and experience at the event and make him play a series of guessing games.
Recorded 10/27/23
Acquire Alfredo's widgets @ https://www.museonstore.com/products/size3tacotruck-widget-set-for-marvel-crisis-protocol?ref=SIZE3TACOS
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
The annual pre Second Wind episode. We talk about the lists Nate and Botts are playing in the event, play back of the box, and draft models we think will be most popular in Second Wind rosters.
As is tradition for live episodes, Pat's audio is pretty scuffed, sorry.
Recorded 10/20/23
Acquire Alfredo's widgets @ https://www.museonstore.com/products/size3tacotruck-widget-set-for-marvel-crisis-protocol?ref=SIZE3TACOS
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we talk about the updated models from ministravaganza. Next time we'll talk about the new models.
Recorded 9/18/23
Acquire Alfredo's widgets @ https://www.museonstore.com/products/size3tacotruck-widget-set-for-marvel-crisis-protocol?ref=SIZE3TACOS
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we make a very serious tier list, complain about cuts + timelines, play back of the box, and discuss internal faction balance.
Make your own Vince Youtube core box thumbnail tierlist at https://tiermaker.com/create/vinces-new-mcp-core-box-thumbnail-tier-list-15167029
Recorded 8/28/23
Acquire Alfredo's widgets @ https://www.museonstore.com/products/size3tacotruck-widget-set-for-marvel-crisis-protocol?ref=SIZE3TACOS
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we talk about Pat's criminal syndicate adventures, play back of the box, and Nate has feelings about power creep.
Recorded 7/30/23
Acquire Alfredo's widgets @ https://www.museonstore.com/products/size3tacotruck-widget-set-for-marvel-crisis-protocol?ref=SIZE3TACOS
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we talk about the recent banned + restricted list changes.
Recorded 7/10/23
Acquire Alfredo's widgets @ https://www.museonstore.com/products/size3tacotruck-widget-set-for-marvel-crisis-protocol?ref=SIZE3TACOS
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week, it's just goofs.
Acquire Alfredo's widgets @ https://www.museonstore.com/products/size3tacotruck-widget-set-for-marvel-crisis-protocol?ref=SIZE3TACOS
Recorded 6/11/23
Watch the video version at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuLQKT_Z1-o
The much maligned A-force affiliation is sitting a top the Longshanks ranking. Vince interviewed Kurtis the man responsible for this very exciting development.
Kurtis' A-Force/Hydra List
Characters: (10)
Doctor Voodoo (Jericho Drumm) Threat: 4
Baron Zemo (Helmut Zemo) Threat: 3
---Red Skull, Master of Hydra (Johann Schmidt) Threat: 5
Winter Soldier (James "Bucky" Barnes) Threat: 3
Black Cat (Felica Hardy) Threat: 3
Domino (Neena Thurman) Threat: 3
Okoye (Okoye) Threat: 2
---She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters) Threat: 6
Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew) Threat: 4
Beta Ray Bill (Bill) Threat: 4
Tactics: (10)
Advanced R&D
Sleeper Agent
Stalwart Determination
Eyes on the Prize
Recalibration Matrix
Fall Back
No Matter the Cost
Marked for Death
Mission Objective
Secure Crisis: (3)
Demons Downtown! Has Our Comeuppance Come Due? (Threat: 19)
Gamma Wave Sweeps Across Midwest (Threat: 15)
Super-Powered Scoundrels Form Sinister Syndicate! (Threat: 20)
Extract Crisis: (3)
Skrulls Infiltrate World Leadership (Threat: 20)
Fear Grips World As "Worthy" Terrorize Cities (Threat: 18)
Research Station Attacked! (Threat: 15)
This week we talk about the metagame and the concept of opening theory in MCP.
Recorded 5/7/23
Second Wind is sold out, find out more and join the waitlist at https://www.secondwindchicago.com
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
Second Wind tickets go on sale 4/10/23, find out more at https://www.secondwindchicago.com
This week we talk about everything that happened at Adepticon 2023.
Recorded 3/31/23
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
Note: The audio quality is a bit of a mess on this one, sorry. Should be back to normal for our post Adepticon episode next week.
This week we talk about day 1 of Adepticon, Vince reports on the happenings of the rules forum, and the gang decides on a new affiliation for Pat.
Recorded 3/24/23
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we talk about new releases, Psylocke + Emma Frost, play Pat's least favorite game show segment, talk about Adepticon Rosters, and complain about X-Men complaining.
Recorded 3/12/23
Join our discord and tell Pat what to play instead of Asguad or tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we talk about everything that happened at LVO (you may have heard that Vince won. Because he did. And he's very proud).
Recorded 1/5/23
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week Pat outsources his LVO list building to Nate, complains about A-Force, and learns he has been playing Nate's Asguard list wrong the whole time.
Recorded 1/8/23
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we discuss the newly updated crisis cards, Nate's recent event experience with the new crises, plus Logan, The Wolverine, and Rhino.
Recorded 12/18/22
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we discuss the Malekith changes and the impact they'll have on the meta moving forward.
Recorded 12/3/22
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we talk about the event Vince and Pat recently went to, play back of the box, and share our early takes on the Weapon-X tactics cards.
Recorded 10/13/22
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we have a special guest on to talk about Second Wind. We talk about Nate's list and games throughout the event as well as Vince's games and Malekith experience.
Recorded 10/23/22
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week Pat and Vince talk about their recent tournament experience, a bunch of Vince goofs, and how bad models might actually be good.
Recorded 10/14/22
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we discuss the different aspects of invitaional events in MCP, play back of the box, and have our episode cut short by technical gremlins.
Recorded 9/23/22
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we talk about sportsmanship in MCP and tabletop gaming. And also a lot of frisbee chat, which I've since learned is also called flatball which is an incredibly good name.
Recorded 8/26/22
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we talk about all things Malekith plus some bonus Winter Guard discussion and Field Dressing thoughts.
Recorded 8/12/22
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we discuss all the new cards revealed at Minishieldaganza (AKA why Vince is so happy).
Recorded 7/19/22
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we discuss tactics card rotation coming to MCP, the new banned + restricted list, and our thoughts on winners and losers from the changes.
Recorded 6/24/22
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we take a look back at the November errata and disuss the changes now that we've been playing with them for 6 months.
Recorded 5/8/22
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we talk about our experiences at this year's Adepticon (spoiler alert: We're the laser tag champions of the universe)
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we talk about negative play experiences, X-23's compartative damage output, and SHIELD tactics.
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week we workshop an A-Force / Wakanda roster for Pat.
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
Join our discord and tell us why we're wrong at - https://discord.gg/FNVVvfzucm
This week, we work through a single-elim bracket of all 105 models to scientifically determine the single best model in all of MCP.
Spoilers Below:
You can see the finished bracket at https://challonge.com/xrrqx929
This week we talk about the rules update now that all of the cards have been revealed as well as the impacts of the update Banned / restricted list.
This week we share our thoughts on what we've seen so far of the updated model cards and how we think the changes will impact the game in the future.
This week we talk about our experiences playing in + running Second Wind, a 31 player in person MCP event + we talk to the winner, Alex Botts about his background with tabletop games + his experience with MCP so far. Apologies for the audio quality
This week we talk all about selecting and evaluating crisis cards when building a roster.
This week we talk about all the announcements from AMG during the recent ministravaganza event.
Sorry about the handful of Discord notification background noises this week, should be fixed for the future.
This week we talk about out experiences with the separation anxiety event and the 3 box format as well as making some guesses about future announcements.
This week we go in depth on web warriors and talk about character choices and roster selection as well as tactics and crisis card selection.
We also talk a little about the rosters from the top 8 players at the recent Nashcon event in the aftershow.
Come play at Second Wind, information here - https://www.longshanks.org/events/detail/?event=4169 https://www.facebook.com/events/2946214178988896/
This week we talk about newly spoiled models, All You've Got / Bitter Rivals and a bit about the 3 box alternative format.
Come play at Second Wind, information here - https://www.longshanks.org/events/detail/?event=4169 https://www.facebook.com/events/2946214178988896/
This week we talk about our issues with the Research Station "extract" crisis card and discuss the Jean Grey and Cassandra Nova box.
Come play at Second Wind, information here - https://www.longshanks.org/events/detail/?event=4169 https://www.facebook.com/events/2946214178988896/
This week we talk about the upcoming Second Wind event in Chicago, the most difficult affiliation to play, and the recent change to the the timing of paying for rerolls.
Come to Second Wind, information here - https://www.longshanks.org/events/detail/?event=4169 https://www.facebook.com/events/2946214178988896/
We talk at length about how awesome LongShanks (@windycitygames) is for both TO's and the community. Also, our big brain topic is about defining what a model brings to an affiliation and how important that is to their relative power level
We talk about the recent additions to the banned / restricted list and trends in crisis card selection. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YellZbCeCZm2rRJ6pzhKQyBDsJEGJFlMqwAwDvieJek
We discuss what we think are the best designed models in MCP and share some thoughts about the battle realm alternative format.
More team tournament stuff + feelings about Panic
All about team tournaments
We talk about what we're playing in the upcoming TTS league and a bit about how we choose what to play.
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
We ramble through the most recent set of errata changes, and the rookies we remember.
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
This week we mostly talk about the "new" captains
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
This week we have important News and Announcements, talk about the Excavators guild, and Pat rambles for a while about how fast the game feels now.
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
This week we are joined by Jamie Perkins from Steamforged to discuss everything new as of March 1st.
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
Since we mentioned Sam in the episode last week when discussing counter-charge and negative play experiences we decided to let him share his thoughts on the subject directly.
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
The first ~20 minutes of this episode sound a bit rougher than normal since we had to use our backup recording, gets back to normal after that though.
This week We talk about the OPD change from this week that changed how clocking out is handled and ramble about counter charge for a while.
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
This week we recap Second Wind 2018 and dive into the data we collected from the event.
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
This week we talk about why we aren't all playing Hunters and how we justify that as "competitive players" with special guest Adam Thiede.
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
This week we talk about the growing importance of holding models hostage in season 4 games.
Find Pat's tournament trays HERE
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
This week we talk about the 2018 world championship and Steamcon UK before discussing guilds that have seen less play in the early days of season 4.
Find Pat's tournament trays HERE
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
This week we talk about our experiences at Steamcon US and some early season 4 impressions.
Find Pat's tournament trays HERE
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
This week we talk about Alchemists in season 4. Find the cards here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a1pjzixu32twmm5/S4_Butchers_Roast.pdf?dl=0
Find Pat's tournament trays HERE
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
This week we talk about WTC, what we're looking for in the season 4 changes, and how to approach changing guilds.
Find Pat's tournament trays HERE
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
This week we're joined by special guest Zachary "Breaking Play" Gray as we talk about WTC list selection choices.
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
This week we ramble our way through the first 4 Faithful models that have been spoiled
Proxy Bases with Pat's face + STW logo - http://stw.storenvy.com/
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
This week we are doing our very first video episode which you can watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xi1w8GE2x-I
We are giving you our hot takes on the new falconer’s guild while eating hotter and hotter wings.
Proxy Bases with Pat's face + STW logo - http://stw.storenvy.com/
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
This week we ramble about random stuff for a while trying to find a topic and eventually end up talking about plan cards and clock issues.
Proxy Bases with Pat's face + STW logo - http://stw.storenvy.com/
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
This week we talk about stopgap models and different ways to approach balance and the idea of execution in guild ball.
Bases with Pat's face + STW logo - http://stw.storenvy.com/
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
This week we talk about this year's Spring Fling, Pride, and Mataagi.
Bases with Pat's face + STW logo - http://stw.storenvy.com/
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
This week we talk about the recently revealed exiles models Hemlocke, Harriet, and Honour.
Buy a combo key - https://www.etsy.com/listing/474593011/guild-ball-scatter-template-the-combo
Bases with Pat's face + STW logo - http://stw.storenvy.com/
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
We talk about Adepticon, Gutter, Minx, Decimate, and have a chat with Mat Hart.
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
This week we talk about the 2018 Bourbon Trail Open and share our thoughts on the new(ish) Plan Cards.
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
This week we get into the details of the new Farmers + Fish errata and share our #HotTakes.
Bases! here
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
This week we talk to Mat and Jamie from Steamforged about one of the upcoming Ratcatcher models, Pelage!
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
This week we talk about captain win rates and how to view that data as well as speculate about the choices a hypothetical perfect player might make.
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
This week we talk about how to take advantage of good dice and plan for bad dice, review our 2017 guildball journey, and end with a bit of snake draft dojo.
Shirts + Hoodies are still available!
North America: teespring.com/stwgb2
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @PatVanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
This week we talk about our experiences at Steam Con US and Alex's victorious run through worlds.
Shirts + Hoodies are still available!
North America: teespring.com/stwgb2
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @VanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
This week we talk about a bit of news and discuss the newly revealed models and how they fit into their respective guilds.
Shirts + Hoodies are now available
North America: teespring.com/stwgb2
Email us at [email protected]. Find the podcast on Twitter @StrictlyWorstGB, Alex @LeftSlothrop, Pat @VanV, and Vince @TheCurkov.
Strictly The Worst is an unofficial podcast and has no affiliation with Steamforged Games. Opinions expressed are solely the personal opinions of the hosts and in no way reflect the opinion of Steamforged Games.
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