Episode 28 discusses 3 more haunted houses in St. Louis, including the Blair-Hughes Mansion, the Bissell Mansion, and the Gehm House.
Podcast Listeners- Use the offer code "PODCAST" and receive 10% off of the updated edition of Troy's BRAND NEW book- SUFFER THE CHILDREN, as well as [Haunted St. Louis] 8.
Also, check out the brand new book from Kaylan Schardan- HAUNTED CARLINVILLE
This episode was written by Troy Taylor and produced and edited by Cody Beck. Find us at AmericanHauntingsPodcast.com.
Find Cody on Twitter and Instagram at @CodyBeckSTL and at CodyBeck.com.
Find Troy at AmericanHauntings.net or on Facebook at Facebook/AuthorTT.
Introduction music was written and recorded by Charlie Brockus at Light House Sounds Studios in Alton, Illinois.
Find them at LightHouseSounds.com.
Sign up to be notified of new episodes at AmericanHauntingsPodcast.com.
Monologue & Intro music:
Artist: Royalty Free Jazz/Swing Music
Artist: Kai Engel
Album: Better Way
Song: Realness
Song: Oecumene Sleeps
Album: Caeli
Song: modum
Album: Idea
Song: Sunset
Artist: Julie Maxwell
Album: My Kingdom's Chorus
Song: Waste of a Sunset
Song: Cerberus Fossae
Artist: Peter Rudenko
Album: 15 Etudes
Song: Night Palette Reprise