The members of the Herodotus Task Force have an unexpected new assignment...
This trailer features the voices of:
Jordan Cobb @inkphemeral
Julia Eve @juliaeve_voice
Chris Magilton @chrismagilton
Shakira Searle
Oliver Smith @OliverSmithVAVO
Karim Kronfli @BullshotUK
Brandon Nguyen @MisplacedTextVA
Whitney Johnson @EditrixW
Jerron Bacat @JerronBacat
Maia Harlap @maia_harlap
Rebecca Owen @rowen_vo
Emma Sherr-Ziarko @TheGreatDilemma
Devin Madson @DevinMadson
Theme music by Oliver Morris @oliverrmorris
TRAILER TRANSCRIPT [A few bars of the theme tune and the rumble of a spaceship in flight]
MAYHEW: Nabonidus - What do you know about their current assignment? ADRIENNE: Some site miners found twelve miles below the surface of an ice ball of a planet in Sector 17 FRANCIS: Are you saying they've...disappeared? MAYHEW: I am saying the brass have made it your job to find out. FRANCIS: What? MAYHEW: Both your jobs. ADRIENNE: You can't be serious. We have 14 dead, and many of us are still recovering from...
[Adrienne's voice and spaceship rumble fade, replaced by a computer sound effect]
COMPUTER: For attention of Jennifer Connolly, Eudoxus Initiative...
[The computer fades out to be replaced by the beginnings of the Season 2 theme]
ADRIENNE: Initial hails failed to illicit a response. FRANCIS: Because despite all our best efforts, we've turned up nothing. CELIA: There is still a question over whether or not the people we are here to find are alive or dead. KATHY: We've been tasked with going through the data from Nabonidus to see what we can piece together. HOLLISTER: (on recording) Descending the ramp now. KATHY: We started noticing a few people doing weird things. HOLLISTER: (on recording) Did anyone see that? KATHY: There's a question of...behaviour. HOLLISTER: (on recording) Can they be opened? DUONG: (on recording) Should they be opened? KATHY: 88 missing people. Only 87 sets of personal logs. CELIA: We're still at a loss as to how this whole site was built 12 miles below the surface without a tunnel. BEN: Last time we had the ultimate xenoarchaeological murder mystery. This time it's the ultimate locked room. ADRIENNE: Covered in danger messages. BEN: That in two dozen ways are screaming, "Wrong way, go back." FRANCIS: They discovered evidence of sabotage. BEN: A host of contradictions. Warnings and signs and portents and clues and half-truths. ADRIENNE: Are you picking up on a general theme of wrongness?
[The music builds up and switches to a different, bass-heavy version of the theme]
JENSEN: (on radio) Captain, we've got something. Movement in the hangar area. MUELLER: Stay back! KONSTANTINIDIS: (crying) I'm sorry! ADRIENNE: Get to the mine! FRANCIS: Prepare to advance from the right flank! DUONG: Someone! Please! HUBERT: Swanson - Your two! KONSTANTINIDIS: (screaming) Don't you think we would if we could! FRANCIS: Do not approach! MEISNER: (crying) Someone, KATHY: (on radio) We're not going to make it to you! BEN: (shouting) The hell you're not! FRANCIS: I am compromised. Repeat: I am compromised.
[The music drops intensity to an outro]
COMPUTER: Among the Stars and Bones. Season 2. Coming February 14 2024.
KATHY: Ms Connolly. Please make sure that you have a screen available. Because you need to see this recording. I can describe it, but even I don't believe it and I've seen it.