Who is Tertullian? What can we learn from him today? In this episode David Bercot gives an introduction about Tertullian, an early church Father who gave many writings to the Church in the early 3rd century. Tertullian was austere in taking the practice of Christianity seriously. He discussed many practical issues that still apply to us today.
Tertullian’s Apology: https://ccel.org/ccel/tertullian/apology/anf03.iv.iii.i.html
History of the Christian Church: Volume 2: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/770153
Bercot’s Matthew Commentary: https://scrollpublishing.com/products/historic-faith-commentary-on-matthew-vol-1/
This is the 105th episode of Anabaptist Perspectives, a podcast, blog, and YouTube channel that examines various aspects of conservative Anabaptist life and thought.
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Music: "The Basket" by Blue Dot Sessions
The views expressed by our guests are solely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Anabaptist Perspectives or Wellspring Mennonite Church.