For some reason I remember these moments of being alone with my mom, picking the chicken, and feeling honored and proud that I was helping her. - Aran
Alison and Andrea got the opportunity to sit down with Chef Aran Goldstein and talk to him about his life and experience with food. He shares his incredible perspective on food and the way our kitchens invite beautiful, complex cultural and family experiences!
A great kitchen has great systems.... We are only as good as we are organized. - Aran
The last line of defense ... is our own kitchens. - Aran
Resources Mentioned
Watch Aran cooking with his son, check out his amazing videos and look at his consultation options!
I know Ophelia and her husband, and I trust the food that she produces, and there's an energetic exchange of what can only be called love between us. - Aran
Aran's (AMAZING) YouTube Channel
Aran also did an incredible video interview exclusively for the Patrons of this podcast, demonstrating a technique for making injera! You can check this out in the private Patreon podcast feed - link to the video is included there!
It doesn't have to all be dark and gloomy ... look at the trends we're seeing - so many people are interested in organic; people are bringing up the concerns they have ...
- Aran
Thank you for listening - we'd love to continue the conversation.
Come find us on Instagram:
Andrea is at Farm and Hearth
Alison is at Ancestral Kitchen
The podcast is at Ancestral Kitchen Podcast
Original Music, Episode Mixing and Post-Production by Robert Michael Kay
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