"One of the great illusions is that we can escape the cycle of life and death."
Andrea watched Wild Quetzal's Instagram videos about ancestral foodways and knew she wanted to talk to him!
We're bringing you this special interview in between our normal episodes. It's recorded directly on Zoom, so the audio's not as pristine as usual, but the content is great.
Andrea and Quetzal talk about:
"Animal foods demand that you have reverence"
Andrea's in Washington State and Quetzal's in Hawaii, the recording was night-time for Alison hence her absence! Still, Alison and Andrea got together to record a brief introduction to this interview, so you'll hear Alison's perspective on the interview, including some of her own raw vegan journey, in the introductory chat.
There is some mild swearing, so if you're in sensitive company, you might want to pop in earbuds.
Resources mentioned:
The Holistic Mother on Instagram
We'd love to continue the conversation. Come find us on Instagram:
Andrea is at Farm and Hearth
Alison is at Ancestral Kitchen
The podcast is at Ancestral Kitchen Podcast
Original Music, Episode Mixing and Post-Production by Robert Michael Kay
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