Guest: Dr. Jeff McNairy of Rythmia-
Host: Shaman Durek -
Dr. Jeff McNairy, Psy.D., M.P.H. is the Chief Medical Officer at Rythmia Life Advancement Center in Costa Rica. He has worked in the mental health field for over 25 years in Los Angeles, California as well as in Hawaii. Dr. Jeff’s specialties include working with patients who have addictions and trauma, as well as those who suffer from acute psychiatric conditions. Dr. Jeff was the previous Administrative Director of Passages, Malibu, a well known drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility. He has also managed and worked within various medical arenas at the UCLA Medical Center, Department of Health in Hawaii, and conducted therapy in psychiatric hospitals as well as a variety of outpatient settings. Dr. Jeff is committed to bringing the ancient healing tool of plant medicine to the Western World in a manner that is safe, regulated, and extremely effective.
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