Andy Elliott’s Elite Mindset Motivation and Sales Training
Tired of struggling in life and business?Click here and I will reach out to you!! My ETA+ Training App For FREE–In this video I call one of my clients in our database and sell him a seminar ticket to one of my events.I did this because I want to show the world I am not too big to talk to my own people, reach out to them and mentor them, and get them the results they want and deserve.I have a team of about 100 people. They all call, change lives, and raise the standards daily just like I do, but as a leader, if you aren't on the front lines with your team, then don't expect to build an unrecruitable team like I have.People would say I "closed him", but I didn't do that. I just helped this client make a decision he's been wanting to make. Check it out.