ANGELA’S SYMPOSIUM 📖 Academic Study on Witchcraft, Paganism, esotericism, magick and the Occult
#death #afterlife #occult
Concepts of Afterlife, Death and Near-Death Experiences across religions and cultures.
Chris Deacy, Head of Religious Studies at the University of Kent. Currently leading a module/course focused on Death, Afterlife and Near-Death Experiences.
David Wilson, Religious Studies PhD at the University of Edinburgh and author of the book ‘Redefining Shamanisms’. David specialises in Spiritualism & Western mediumship as forms of shamanism.
Giorgio Scalici, Post-doctoral Researcher at Nova universidade de Lisboa. He specialises in Death rituals in Indonesian shamanistic traditions.
email: [email protected] and website
Jeffrey Albaugh, program manager for the Conference on Current Pagan Studies and the co-chair for the Pagan Studies Unit of the American Academy of Religion, Western Regional.
Jennifer Uzzell, Doctoral Researcher at Durham University. She specialises in death rites in Druidry and owns a Progressive Funeral home!
email: [email protected]
Shanell Papp, Canadian video and textile artist. Her research and art are focused around death images, the grotesque and labour.
Veenat Arora, Lecturer at Chandigarh College, India. She is a Sociologist of religion, specialised in Death philosophy within Indian traditions.
FOLLOW ME: Facebook (Angela's Symposium), Instagram (angela_symposium), Twitter (@angelapuca11).
00:00:00 Introduction: 10 000 subscribers celebration
00:01:44 Panel members from academia
00:04:02 Inner Symposium (Patreon) members
00:06:09 Afterlife beliefs in Pagans
00:13:26 Reincarnation
00:20:48 The possible influence of Christianity on afterlife beliefs
00:23:09 Afterlife beliefs in an indigenous culture in Indonesia
00:27:50 The idea of linear vs circular time in concepts of eternity
00:30:16 Marriage in the afterlife
00:42:23 Relationships between the living and the dead
00:44:59 Art’s role in dealing with death
00:48:38 Methods of body disposal
00:51:54 Spiritism
00:53:46 Manipulating death with pacts and ritual
01:11:16 The Hero’s Journey
01:17:04 Hauntings
01:20:27 Obligations of the living toward the dead
01:25:54 The prevalence of negative NDEs
01:27:24 Support Angela’s Symposium
Music by Erose MusicBand. Check them out!