The Anime Addicts find themselves trapped in an Isekai anime! Each host will present an original concept for their own Isekai anime! Listen in to hear about what we come up with. Oh, and we also introduce a new podcast host.
We also do a review of the recently completed anime Hoozuki no Reitetsu Season 2!
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Time Markers:
-Big News of the Week: 7:54
-Hot New Anime Releases: 18:54
-News Break 1: 25:30
-Main Topic: 31:00
-News Break 2: 1:02:18
-Itunes Review: 1:09:30
-Anime Review: 1:11:00
-Mailbags: 1:39:00
The new theme song is written by Remonbeeftink. You can reach him for work via