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The Anime Addicts start off with some discussions of a few exciting new anime that were just announced. Then, it's onto a round of "Bring Your Own Topic!".
Finally, the Addicts review the much loved Kaguya-sama Love is War Season 2.
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Time Markers:
-Big News of the Week: 8:35
-Hot, New Anime Releases: 15:00
-News Break 1: 25:00
-Mandi's Manga Minute: 31:00
-Mason's Anime Arguments: 34:50
-Main Topic: Bring Your Own Topic: 43:30
-News Break 2: 1:20:45
-Itunes Review: 1:29:15
-Mailbags: 1:30:15
-Review: Kaguya-Sama Love is War S2: 1:41:00