108 avsnitt • Längd: 40 min • Månadsvis
We are here to explore the world of historical miniature wargaming. We’ll cover, game design theory, rules reviews, showcase new miniatures, and pretty much anything related to historical miniature wargaming. This bi-weekly podcast is hosted by veteran gamers each with 40+ years of experience in the genre.
The podcast Anything But a One! Adventures in Historical Miniature Wargaming is created by Tom Castanos, Richard Martinez, Ray Winstead. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Tom and Ray talk about their experiences at this years Texas BROADSIDE! 2024 in Houston.
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Houston Beer and Pretzel Wargaming
Battleship Texas
Today we look back at this year's MillenniumCon held in Temple, Texas.
Alan Spencer is back with a recap and explanation of his Italian Wars Campaign. He also graciously sharing their campaign rules with us as well!
Show Notes
For a copy of the campaign rules, email us at
[email protected]
Heart of Texas Wargamers
Texas BROADSIDE! 2024
We are still around! We are in the process of converting to a virtual studio. We should be back to schedule in two weeks. In the meantime, we have the results of Heart of Texas Wargamers Italian Wars campaign, announcements about Texas BROADSIDE! 2024, and an interview from Millenium Con with Jon Russell from Warlord Games about what coming soon!
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Heart of Texas Wargamers
Texas BROADSIDE! 2024
Warlord Games
How can you not go back to a topic when an expert wants to chime in! Miles Reidy from Little Wars TV drops in to give us his insight on running a game.
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International Kriegsspiel Society
Little Wars TV
What??? 100 Episodes? How did that happen!? Today's episode deals with how games get new players.
Fair play? Historical flavor? Something in between? We seem as a society to love to complain about the rules we like!
Yep, we are buying in to Epic Hail Caesar! Listen to us justify our weaknesses!
It's not you...it's me. Well, John Hill's Johnny Reb has long been a bone of contention with our group. Today we tell the story.
Today we take a peek at both the original Dead Man's Hand and the new Redux from Great Escape Games.
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Dead Man's Hand Redux Rules
With more rule sets coming out covering long time periods, we thought it was time to revisit the subject.
Be the change you want to see in the world! Rather than complaining, today we talk about our favorite vendors to do business with. None of this is paid advertising. These are just folks we shop with and appreciate!
Too many games and too few days? Do months, if not years, pass until you get back to one of your favorite games? How do you balance the games you want to play versus the time you get to play.
We are half way through our first campaign in our Zulu Wars skirmish game.
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Blood and Steel Rules
Today I interview Larry Mackey as we examine why the ranks of wargamers is not more diverse.
Where do you wargame? The pub? The garage? A custom-made man-cave? Today we examine the types and importance of a place to play.
This week the gang talks about circling back around to Flames of War and Team Yankee. Re-evaluation or stuck in a rut?
We have tallied the votes and are ready to reveal what the voters have picked as our next project!
Taking a short break from gaming, the gang attended the opening night of Ridley Scott's Napoleon. Spoiler Alert! Well.... There are spoilers in the podcast. Napoleon dies!
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I've Got an Angle
Today we give our thoughts on the American Civil War rules Altar of Freedom!
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Altar of Freedom Rules
Heart of Texas Wargamers
Sam Mustafa, author of Blucher, LaSalle2, Nimitz and many other games joins us in sunny south Texas to test play his latest WWII project in the works.
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Honour Games
If you want to hear three tech troglodytes talk about 3D printing are you ever in luck! Today we examine or limited experience in the medium and how it is changing how we game.
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Piano Wargames
Lone Star 3D Printing Co.
You heard us! With War of the Roses in the books, it's time for a new project. Listen to our ideas and tell us which one we should do!
We recently played our first game of the Perry Brothers second edition of Valor & Fortitude. In this episode we share our thoughts about this free set of rules.
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Valour & Fortitude Rules Free Download
Wargames Illustrated Interview with Game Authors Jervis Johnson and the Perry Twins
Help get our studio up and running!
It's convention time in Houston, Texas! Andy Bouffard tells us all we need to know about Texas BROADSIDE! 2023!
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Texas BROADSIDE! 2023
Battleship Texas YouTube Channel
You always need a new set of rules, right? Aching to paint yet another army? Well what game or time period would it be?
We actually kinda sorta met our goal! We've played multiple War of the Roses games! It's time for an update.
There are no words. Thank you so much for listening! We will look back on where we've been and where we might go next.
Well we may not be on the cutting edge, but after a couple of years we have some thoughts on Contrast and Speed Paints.
So how is it that after all the Epic bashing we are now painting Epic Pike and Shotte?
The gang made a pact in January to start 28mm Wars of the Roses. I wonder how that went?
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7th Son Wars of the Roses
Lance and Longbow Society - Wars of the Roses Banners
War of the Roses Facebook Page
We wanted to respond to recent YouTube video that alleged historical games suffer from people not wanting to play "The bad guys."
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7th Son response to the OP
It seemed fitting to replay our ESR episode just in time for the release of the Wargaming Company's new line of 10mm miniatures!
We will be back in two weeks with a brand new episode!
Larry works with youth and also has played Arty Conliffe's Crossfire with combat veterans. How "realistic" is it? They also have house rules bringing the rules to the modern era.
Co-author and rules guru Jim Getz joins us to inflict his revenge on us for abusing his Empire rules!
Sam makes his return to the show to talk about his new rules Nimitz! We also talk about rule mechanics and theory.
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Where to get Nimitz (US)
Sam's Website
Today Tony Concagh joins us from the South London Warlords Wargame Club to tell us all about Salute 50. It's the largest one day game show in Europe!
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Here are links to the show and the South London Warlords
Salute 50
South London Warlords
Thirty Years War...English Civil War... Wars of Religion...If you long to model cavaliers and roundheads tune in!
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Cromwell Movie
Sealed Knot Society
How do you rate troops when writing rules or making scenarios? Balancing the game? 100% historical?
This week we go back to the 90's to play a set of rules from the great Arty Conliffe. How did we miss these back then?
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Here is the Little Wars TV episode we mentioned
Today we discuss rules that were influential to us in our development as gamers.
Style points? Rule of Cool? Power house? How do you pick the armies you collect and paint?
Why aren't there more Great War games? Is the topic too difficult? Is it lost on American audiences?
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World War One Movies Ranked
It's been around since the beginning of games, but are I go, you go games outdated?
Rob Wubbenhorst joins us to discuss how to get started in gaming WWII.
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Wings Palette
Have you ever had so much information about a topic that gaming that topic was difficult? Can you know too much?
What does historical gaming gain from it fantasy cousins? Do you play both?
We are back with a new "So you want to" series. This time we cover the American Civil War.
Today we chat with Edgar Pabon and Damien Macomber, co-authors of Blood & Steel - Victorian Age Combat.
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Firelock Games
Some people love it. Others, not so much. However you feel about, modeling and painting is a huge part of this hobby. Today we talk about our ways of "coping" with this side of things.
Welcome to Season 3! Today we discuss gaming and research in periods where written records are hard to come by.
The gaming convention is a great place to learn about new games. But are you ready to dive in and roll dice or would you rather be an observer? We talk about the pros and cons of convention games with Alan Spencer from Heart of Texas Wargamers.
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Heart of Texas Wargamers on Facebook
We are going to start something new this episode. This is the first installment of episodes relating to starting a particular time period. We are starting with Napoleonics.
Have you ever played in an extended campaign? Did you finish? What does it take to start and finish a wargame campaign? We are joined by Rob Wubbenhorst from Fights On! Games.
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Fight's On! Games
Zor Con in Lake Jackson, TX
Most of us don't want to change rule sets too often. But how often should you reevaluate the rules you use?
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Heart of Texas Wargamers Facebook Group
Are our favorite rules based in historical fact or tired clichés? Today we examine if authors feel compelled to give us rules that we think are realistic, but may not be.
In this episode we talk with the author of ESR Series 3 David Ensteness. Et sans resultat! is a Napoleonic wargame rule set with a unique point of view.
Show Notes
You can find the ESR rules, books, and support items at
Today we interview Charles Sharp who is one of the pioneers of modern wargaming. From Charles has worked on ground breaking rules like Crossfire and has helped young people get into the hobby.
With chatter on social media about stats for Ukrainian armor, how soon is too soon to game a conflict?
Hear what it's like to try your hand at a brick and mortar game store from Will Gaskins, former owner of Table Top Generals.
How do you start a new game era? Do you dive head first into the deep end? Is skirmish gaming a viable introduction?
In today's episode we visit with Alan Spencer from the Heart of Texas Wargamers. He stopped by to talk about game scale.
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Heart of Texas Wargamers on Facebook
Is it possible for a brick and mortar game store to survive in this day and age? Too many product lines, too few customers, and too much competition from online suppliers may spell the end of the corner store.
Throw away that ratty old felt sheet you've been playing your games on and give a listen to Cory Ring from Cigar Box Mats!
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Cigar Box Mats
Contact Cory at [email protected]
You can support our show on a regular basis for as little as $5 per month!
We are so sorry that we couldn't make our deadline to get a new episode up. DAMN DAY JOBS AND HEALTH ISSUES! Seriously, We will have a great episode up early next week. Stay tuned. In the meantime, here is an encore episode of Gamer Types.
Today we talk to the author of Warbound, a WWII skirmish game written by 12 year old game designer Landon D!
Show Notes
Email us for a PDF of Landon's rules
[email protected]
Please consider supporting the show through our new Patreon page
Support the show
Can you define what makes rules complex? Does it necessarily mean they are difficult? Today we talk with Sam Mustafa, author of Blucher, Rommel, Lasalle 2, and many others. We talk about complexity as it pertains to wargame rules.
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Honour Games
Jason Weiser tells us about his brand new, US based wargame magazine.
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Find the magazine at
Military Miniature Magazine
You can submit articles at
[email protected]
Today we talk about our thoughts on the return of Millennium-Con in Austin, TX. We discuss the games that we played and our overall thoughts. Once again, many thanks to Rob Wubbenhorst at Fight's On! Games for hosting a game of Battlegroup for our show! Find his awesome store at
We are joined today by Tony Morano and Greg Wagman from Little Wars TV! We talk games, venues, conventions, and a whole lot more.
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Little Wars TV
Is there a perfect set of rules? Do you ever quit trying new rules? The guys will argue endlessly about what is " too much!"
Do you have gaming habits you wish you didn't have? Does someone in your group do something that drives you nuts?
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Fight's On Store
Millennium Con
An interview with the creators of your unpainted 28mm miniature pile of shame! Michael and Alan Perry talk with us about the process of creating miniatures, their beginnings, and whats up next!
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Perry Miniatures
Today the guys examine after action reports on YouTube. Do you need to see everything? Do you want an edited, short capsule of information?
Remember to look for us at Millennium Con! Fights On Games will be running a Battlegroup game for us!
Millennium Con
Fight's On Games
Show Notes
7th Son
Too Fat Lardies
Bolt Action Action
Miniature Game Montage
Little Wars TV
Are we just getting old? Trick question! We are already old! But are games getting better or just dumbed down?
Living in the Past by Jethro Tull
Do you field armies with three shades for every color? Or do you field unpainted gray masses?
In today's episode we examine the impact, if any, of painting standards.
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Fight's On!
Millennium Con 2021
Battlegroup Ruleset
In this episode we talk about what no one wants; price increases. How much is too much? Has the rising cost of international postage changed your purchase habits?
Our One Year Anniversary Episode! Thanks to all of our listeners for a great year! Today we examine tabletop terrain. Do you play on custom battle boards or piece of green felt with books underneath for hills?
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Fight's On!
Millennium Con 2021
Battlegroup Ruleset
Wargamers' Terrain
Little Wars TV
This week the guys talk about the silver screen feel of skirmish wargames.
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Saving Private Bjornsen (the ridiculous Rus landing scene from Vikings)
In this week's episode the guys delve into the choppy waters of gaming Facebook Groups and forums. Are we using them for good or for evil?
On today's episode the gang waxes poetic about the fond memories and blood curdling nightmares created by the ruleset Empire 3rd Edition.
On today's episode the gang talks about what they have always wanted but rarely achieved; a meaningful campaign system to generate tabletop games,
Today we interview game designer Sam Mustafa. His newest release is LaSalle 2, a rethink of his classic Napoleonics rules.
Show Notes
Sam's rules can be found directly from his website
Honour Games
Other than the obvious lack of miniature soldiers, how different are board games from miniature games?
Are all dice created equal? Are you superstitious about who touches your dice? In this episode we get scientific (kinda) on rollin' the bones!
This week we are joined by the guys from the Lead Pursuit Podcast! Douglas Glover and Brett Canter talk Blood Red Skies and their thoughts on Beer and Pretzels games vs Simulations.
Find the Lead Pursuit Podcast on all major podcast apps or from their website at
On this episode the guys tackle historical symbolism that is not always crowd-friendly. How do you adjust? or do you?
This week we have a very special guest, Gabrio Tolentino! We will cover Warlord's Black Seas from development to the newest products on the horizon.
Show Notes:
Keep up with all things Black Seas here
Just because they make miniatures in every conceivable scale, do they all work for the kind of game you want to play? In this episode we talk about our struggle resisting the siren's call for a new scale of miniatures.
In this episode we chat with Rob Wubbenhorst with Fight's On! Miniatures. We cover his Beer and Pretzels gaming group, his company, and much more!
You can find his webpage at:
Somewhere between rules so good they play themselves and rules so bad you throw them away, there are house rules! Some add flavor. Some clarify ambiguity. Some crash play balance!
The crew takes a moment to think about what they would like in gaming for 2021.
Happy Holidays! This week we take a light hearted look at the different types of people that play wargames! I'm sure you've encountered them all!
This week the gang talks about games where army list building is an integral part of the mechanics.
In this episode we examine the importance of "the look of the game". Do you play with little works of art or are you lucky to have assembled, bare plastic and metal armies?
In this episode we interview game designer, author, webmaster Bill Gray. Bill designed the outstanding Napoleonic rules Age of Eagles. He has also published the supplements Age of Honor for earlier battles and Age of Valor for warfare up to 1914.
Show Notes
You can find all of Bill's products here
He is also a member (and webmaster) of the Historical Miniatures Gaming Society, inc.
In response to Episode 5, Barnaby Ore from Hamilton, Ontario tells us that historical miniature gaming isn't dying at his club. It's thriving. Meet the Hamilton Tabletop Gaming Society.
Show Notes
You can find out more about this great club at
Hamilton Tabletop Gaming Society
YouTube channel mentioned
Kitchen Wargamers
First, a huge thanks to Dinosaur George for the use of his recording studio! The sound improvement is astounding! You can find out more about him at
Show Notes
Here are the miniature manufacturers mentioned in this show. Unfortunately a few are no longer in business.
Wizards of the Coast- The War at Sea miniatures Richard mentioned are no longer being produced. They can however be found on eBay and other re-sellers.
Victrix Miniatures - www.victrixlimited.com
Front Rank Miniatures -www.frontfrank.com
Old Glory Miniatures - www.oldgloryminiatures.com
Essex Miniatures - https://www.essexminiatures.co.uk/
Stone Mountain Miniatures - http://www.wargamingminiatures.com/
Minfigs - No longer in production.
Mike's Models - No longer in production
Perry Miniatures - www.perry-miniatures.com
Warlord Games - https://store.warlordgames.com/
Empress Miniatures -https://www.empressminiatures.com/
Rubicon - https://www.rubiconmodelsusa.com/
GHQ Miniatures - https://www.ghqmodels.com/
In this installment the guys discuss the state of historical miniature wargaming. Is it graying? Is it dying? Or is it just changing?
Show Notes
This episode references a video posted on YouTube by Little Wars TV. Here is the link to the video.
The guys are back with more movies that they have taken inspiration from. In Episode 3 we talked about obscure films. In this episode we go after the big boys! Yo've heard of most of these. but did you like them?
Special thanks to our friends at The Little Corporal for their amazing support. Check out this fantastic online dealer at www.thelittlecorporal.co.uk/
Sharpe's Rifles Series
Midway (2019)
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
Last of the Mohicans
The Alamo (1960)
Tora Tora Tora
A Bridge Too Far
March or Die
Saving Private Ryan
Band of Brothers
Apocalypse Now
Full Metal Jacket
Has a movie or TV show ever fired you up to paint minis or play a game? In this episode the team talks about the movies, both good and bad, that have made an impact on their gaming. This is the first part of a two part series. Part one deals with lesser known films or forgotten gems.
The Lost Battalion - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0287535/
The Duelists - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0075968/
Days of Glory - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0444182/
White Queen/White Princess - https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B00HY7VU60/ref=atv_dp_share_cu_r
Braveheart - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112573/
Great Waldo Pepper - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0073075/
We Were Soldiers - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0277434/
Von Richtofen and Brown - https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B0095GEILM/ref=atv_dp_share_cu_rhttps://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B0095GEILM/ref=atv_dp_share_cu_r
The Last Kingdom - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4179452/
I referred to a YouTube channel as "History Geek" when it is in fact "History Buff". My Bad! This is a great channel! Nick Hodges reviews movies and TV shows for their historical accuracy. Check out his channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCggHoXaj8BQHIiPmOxezeWA
In this installment the guys examine why everyone loves to hate Warlord Games. Is it fair? Is it justified? Is it just social media trolling?
Tom Castanos, Ray Winstead, and Richard Martinez discuss (argue about) what makes for a good set of tabletop miniature wargame rules. Each with 40+ plus years of gaming experience, the guys have seen the good, the bad, and the unplayable come across their game tables.
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.