While heiresses contend with debuts, heirs must focus on school, graduation, and university. Will the pressures of exams cause one heir to crack?
During his sixth year at St. Paul’s School in Concord, New Hampshire, Huntington Hartford enjoys a bit of popularity after successes in the solo sports squash and tennis – and literary. Only when he is caught cheating during his final exams, he once again faces the condemnation of his classmates who refuse to walk if he participates in graduation, despite his mother Henrietta’s generous offer.
Other people and subjects include: June 1930, Henrietta Hartford, Jakey Astor, Frank Shields, alumni donations, Ambassador Houghton, cheating scandal, Operation Varsity Blues, Felicity Huffman, Lori Loughlin, Olivia Jade, sex scandals, high school graduation, final exams, and personal cheating stories from both teacher mom and AP exams.
Extra Notes / Call to Action / Extra links:
Instagram: Mansions of the Gilded Age and The Gilded Age Society by Gary Lawrance
GoFundMe for archive digitization https://gofund.me/6c0d7a53
My recurring Waldorf-Astoria hotels webinar - Part 1 on Wednesday, June 16th and Part 2 Thursday, June 17th at 5:30pm EST / 2:30pm PST. New York Adventure Club www.nyadventureclub.com or the events section at https://asthemoneyburns.com.
Archival Music provided by Past Perfect Vintage Music, www.pastperfect.com.
Opening Music: My Heart Belongs to Daddy by Billy Cotton, Album The Great British Dance Bands
Section 1 Music: One Two, Button Your Shoe by Jack Hylton, Album The Great Dance Bands Play Hits of the 30s
Section 2 Music: Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue by The Savoy Orpheans, Album Fascinating Rhythm – Great Hits of the 20s
Section 3 Music: Umtcha, Umtcha, Da Da Da by The Rhythmic Eight, Album Fascinating Rhythm – Great Hits of the 20s
End Music: My Heart Belongs to Daddy by Billy Cotton, Album The Great British Dance Bands