In this episode of Ask Dr Jessica, Lori Allen, MFT joins Dr. Jessica Hochman to discuss all aspects of childhood anxiety. Isn't some level of anxiety normal? How does a parent know when anxiety is a point where a child would benefit from therapy? If a child is anxious, what are some strategies a parent can use to help? We also discuss what therapy with a psychologist can offer and what a family may expect from a therapist. Lori offers tips for parents to help balance raising children and work.
Lori Allen is an MFT at Village Wellness Counseling and you can find her at She specializes in children with anxiety, and with parents who have anxiety.
Dr Jessica Hochman is a board certified pediatrician, mom to three children, and she is very passionate about the health and well being of children. Most of her educational videos are targeted towards general pediatric topics and presented in an easy to understand manner.
For more content from Dr Jessica Hochman:
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Do you have a future topic you'd like Dr Jessica Hochman to discuss? Email Dr Jessica Hochman [email protected].
The information presented in Ask Dr Jessica is for general educational purposes only. She does not diagnose medical conditions or formulate treatment plans for specific individuals. If you have a concern about your child's health, be sure to call your child's health care provider.