Dr. Bryce Appelbaum is an optometrist who is a pioneer in the field of neuro-optometry and he is passionate about helping people reach their maximum vision potential. He has found that vision is much more than 20/20 vision and often times visual issues get undetected. Today we talk about how when children are experiencing behavioral issues and frustration in school, it is important to consider visual issues as a cause. In this episode, you’ll hear Dr Applebaum also talk about the exciting treatment programs he offers to help people reach their optimum visual potential—as he explains, there are MANY visual issues that are avoidable and treatable with the proper therapy. He essentially offers PT (physical therapy) but for the eyes.
In this episode we discuss:
-why are more vision problems emerging more now than every before with children?
-what is the difference between eyesight and vision?
-recommendations for managing screen time
-how to practice "20-20-20" for visual hygiene
-doing vision therapy verses getting stronger prescription lenses as we age
-how vision problems can lead to or be misdiagnosed as ADD, ADHD, or dyslexia
To learn more about Dr Appelbaum, please check out his website:
To enroll in Dr Appelbaum's screen fit program:
https://www.screenfit.com/enroll use the code: ASKJESSICA to get 10% off ScreenFit Phase 1 at checkout.
Dr Jessica Hochman is a board certified pediatrician, mom to three children, and she is very passionate about the health and well being of children. Most of her educational videos are targeted towards general pediatric topics and presented in an easy to understand manner.
For more content from Dr Jessica Hochman:
Instagram: @AskDrJessica
YouTube channel: Ask Dr Jessica
Website: www.askdrjessicamd.com
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Do you have a future topic you'd like Dr Jessica Hochman to discuss? Email Dr Jessica Hochman [email protected].
The information presented in Ask Dr Jessica is for general educational purposes only. She does not diagnose medical conditions or formulate treatment plans for specific individuals. If you have a concern about your child's health, be sure to call your child's health care provider.