Welcome back, young scientists. I’m Dr. Universe. If you’re anything like me, you’ve got lots of big questions about our world. Today we're talking to nurse practitioner Bevan Briggs.
Warning! This episode very briefly mentions intestines, body fluids, shots, stitches, broken bones, surgery, kids putting on pretend wounds (with intestines!) to help EMTs train, and the fact animals are butchered for food in some homes. If that doesn't sound like something you'd like to hear, I'll catch you on the next one. If you're not sure, ask your grownup to preview the audio or transcript. (I used italics in the transcript for anything that might be a little bit gross so it's easier to scan.) =^..^=
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As always, submit burning questions at askdruniverse.wsu.edu. Who knows where your questions will take us next.