Noah heads to Riga Latvia to explore the amazing work the Ubuntu community is doing! Canonical restructured the former Ubuntu Developer Summit to have a wider reach! Jon Seager the VP of Engineering joins the program to explain that effort and how Canonical is serving the broader open source ecosystem.
Linux 6.5.10 -
Itanium removal - ARS Technica
bcachfs Merge -
Linux-Libre 6.6 - Twitter
Bleachbit 4.6 - Bleachbit
LXQt 1.4 - LXQt Project
Nitrux 3.1 -
Fedora 39 - ZDnet
Plasma 6.0 for Fedora 40 - Phoronix
OpenELA Initial Release - ZDnet
Kubescape 3.0 - Help Net Security
Open Source AI in Britian - Politico
AI Engineer Foundation - The News Stack
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Special Guests: JT Pennington and Jon Seager.