Canonical has issued an official edict: the approved Ubuntu remixes must remove Flatpak support as of the next release. Ring video doorbell informed a customer they were required to release footage to a police department with a signed warrant. All the footage from that customers account was sent to the police.
-- During The Show --
01:37 Audio to text transcription - Dennis
04:29 Responding to Ep 305 Banking Issue - Nate
- May be ASN reputation
- May be IP block reputation
- Noah's work a round
12:00 Variety of Questions - John
- Rust Desk
- Any Desk
- Poor Man's VPN
- Simple Help
- Chrome Remote Desktop
- Low voltage can't kill you
- Stud finders tell you about AC power
- Start with a coat hanger
- Use samba
- Log into the web interface
- Do Not use email
Huragok Asked - Display Camera Feeds
27:16 News Wire
Armbian 23.02
Nitrux 2.7
FFmpeg 6.0
GTK 4.10
Plasma 5.27.2
4th Gen Xeon Support
Linux Mint, New Features
Libre Office 7.5.1
WINE 8.3
Linux 6.3 RC1
Linux Foundation Open Source Value Report
Linux Foundation & OGA MoU
Microsoft Forces openSUSE
APT 27's New SysUpdate
MOSS will be Open Source
30:45 Canonical Drops Flatpak
- Linux Mint
- The Register
- Whole point of spins is to solve different problems
- Limits the support requirements
- Linux packaging story
- The rest of the Linux ecosystem is going another way
40:30 Ring in the News
- Politico
- The Story
- Police ask for limited footage
- User complies
- Police ask for more
- User says no
- Police get a warrant for ALL his cameras
- Don't store information you don't want leaked
- Should you be prevented from using technology because someone wants to abuse it?
- Technology can be a threat
47:00 Flatpack New Web Experience
47:50 Audacious
48:20 Announcements
- ScALE Mar 9-12
- Southeast LinuxFest June 9-11
- Linux Fest Northwest Oct 20-22
- Michael Dominic
- Interview on the 21st
- Send Questions
-- The Extra Credit Section --
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