-- During The Show --
00:50 10 Year Hardware Plan - Caller
- Extended warranty support from hardware company
- Offer your own extended support
- Cold Shelf
- 3-5 years seems acceptable
- Tolerance for business continuity
06:08 NFS
- Moral of the story
- Trouble shooting process
- Inner workings of NFS
- R and W size
11:55 UI for Building ISO - A
15:14 Networking for Libvirt - Carey
18:30 Self Hosted Email Feedback - Michael
- Biggest challenge
- Reverse Lookups
- Noah is not in the "host your own email" camp
- Looking for reasons to "say no"
- Seen lots of Gsuite and Office365 not setting up records correctly
21:14 Encryption, Email and Wifi questions - Nikki
25:12 Gmail Alternative - Nikki
- Why Proton subscription
- Catch all domain
- Filtering email
- Tutanota
- Fast Mail
- Anything is better than Gmail
29:23 News Wire
Linux in Your Car
- ARS Technica
- Software defined vehicles
- System 1
- Power train
- Traction Control
- System 2
- Camera
- Ultrasonic Sensors
- Self Driving Systems
- System 3
- System 4
- System 5
- Master control over everything
- ISO 26262
- 4,000 Linux security patches in 8 years
- Red Hat heavily investing in automotive
37:25 Miracle WM
- Wayland tiling window manager
- Tiling window managers are for more than just text based
- Where tiling WM don't do as well
- Linux IAC
- The Register
40:46 Mir & Wayland
45:41 QT Ubuntu 24.04
- The Register
- Kubuntu switching to Calamares installer
- Ubuntu Flutter installer only on "Main Ubuntu"
- Kubuntu has Plasma 5
- Lubuntu has LXQT 1.3
- AppArmor namespace Etcher issue solved
- Steve's choice of Distro
- Noah and flatpaks
- Steve moving away from Ubuntu to RHEL and Arch
52:28 Announcements
- Linux Fest North West
- April 26-28 2024
- Bellingham Technical College
-- The Extra Credit Section --
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