This week Noah and Steve outline where you should leverage automation and rely on it, and when it's good to have a backup plan.
-- During The Show --
02:00 Podcasting 2.0
- Podcasting is changing
- Thank you
05:00 Retro Tink
- RetroTink designed for retro gaming
06:22 Luanti
- Mine Test Blog
- $2.5B paid for Minecraft
- celeron55 took on the challenge of making a similar game
- MineTest took over in Noah's house
- MineTest expanded way beyond just a Minecraft clone
- Luanti
- Voxel Libre
16:00 When to Automate
- A different way to tackle the problem
- Automation vs by hand
- Nix
- Maintaining old versions
- Learning something new vs using what you know
- Shifting paradigms
38:30 Windows S Mode
- People have tremendous patience for MS but not Open Source
- Windows S mode only allows software from the MS Store
- Requires purchasing a key
43:30 Microsoft 360 Outage
- Service announcement delayed
- No one at Microsoft to communicate with
45:00 Windows Server Update Mistake
- Upgrade flagged as security update
- No license check
48:00 Windows Thin Client
- Box connects to cloud desktop
- MS pushing people off Windows 10
- Things are moving to cloud services
- ArsTechnica
-- The Extra Credit Section --
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