Welcome to your relaxing eyes, lips and neck area treatment appointment ( ͡♥ ᴗ ͡♥) I'm so happy to see you! 00:00 Close up exam, gloves, flashlight 05:00 Glycolic peel 10:30 Under eye soothing pads 12:46 Neck mask 14:52 Lip exfoliation and plumping 19:04 Removing masks and working in the extra product 23:40 Cleansing my hands 24:12 Hydrating lip mask to go 25:43 Smoothing everything out, checking your skin after the treatments. Thank you for being here :)
Products used in the video: Glycolic peel https://amzn.to/3FsLdat Under eye pads https://amzn.to/3FsEXiSNeck masks (love these) https://amzn.to/37z7hnqLip exfoliator https://amzn.to/3sktw7OLips plumper and mask https://amzn.to/3P86ryRB5 Serum (I'm obsessed!) https://amzn.to/3yFXU0r