The ‘
Insights from the OxWell Student Survey‘ series is a new mini-in conversation series that will explore the OxWell study and the impact of its findings for parents, teachers, policymakers and mental health professionals.
In this episode,
Professor Mina Fazel,
Dr. Emma Soneson, and
Dr. Simon White will provide insight into what the OxWell Student Survey is, discuss some key findings, and explore the implications of these findings for networks of care.
Discussion points include:
- What the OxWell Student Survey is, and how it came about.
- How mental health support was studied and how they arrived at the networks of care analysis.
- Insight into where young people most likely found support when it came to their mental health.
- The preferences of different groups of young people in terms of accessing mental health support.
- How we can make child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) better suited to help young people.
- How we can support friends and family as the most commonly-accessed sources of support.
- How we can partner with schools to better support young people’s mental health.
OxWell is a large-scale student survey designed to measure the wellbeing of children and young people. It looks at mental wellbeing, anxiety, indicators of vulnerability such as bullying and loneliness, school experience, access to services, safety online and many more areas. It is a joint effort between schools, young people, the NHS, local authorities and the OxWell research team at the University of Oxford’s Department of Psychiatry.