AstrologyNow – Vedic Astrology Guide
In this segment we discuss love, attraction, romance, and what may make a long-lasting relationship. We discuss the art of synastry when analyzing charts, the placement of the Moon and Venus, as well as the condition of the seventh house.
Please keep in mind that every technique I mention in this segment is looking at one facet of the chart. Just like everything in astrology, we can NEVER make a judgement based off of one detail. It is so important to consult with an astrologer to get an idea of the compatibility between charts in a holistic manner. Finally, this is not a substitute for a compatibility reading OR relationship counseling/coaching. Please do not make decisions about your relationship based off of this information. This segment simply touched the tip of the iceberg in compatibility.
If you'd like to schedule a reading (or compatibility reading!) with me, you can email [email protected], visit, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you so much for listening and happy Valentine's Day!