This episode outlines four things to look for as a parent to help you determine whether your child is PDA or is Autistic with Demand Avoidance. Ultimately, I tell you that what matters most is not the diagnosis or lable, but the which lens wer are supporting our child through and whether it is helping!
To connect with me, find me here:
For more resources for parents, including #actuallyautistic pages to check out and a list of PDA-affirming practitioners in North America, check out the resources page at PDA Parents.
For Courses, Programs, Coaching and Consulting, find me at At Peace Parents, LLC
Thanks for listening! You are an amazing parent.
Mentioned in this episode:
Paradigm Shift Program
Want me to coach you as you learn and practice the skills and mindsets I talk about in my podcast? I'd love to work with you in my proven-effective Paradigm Shift Program. Click the link to learn more and join the program interest list.