Lowering demands is how many parents start accommodating their PDA child or teen, and it's also where many get stuck.
In this episode I talk through the mindset work that parents can do to get unstuck and be more successful with lowering demands. I also explain why lowering demands is a necessary but not sufficient accommodation for our PDA children and teens.
Are you ready to start working to deeply understand and support your PDA child or teen and lead your family to peace? Join the waitlist for the next cohort of my signature Paradigm Shift Program at https://www.atpeaceparents.com/paradigm-shift-program
To learn more about and figure out if your child or teen is PDA, you can take my FREE Clarity Masterclass at www.atpeaceparents.com.
You can also connect with me on:
Instagram - www.instagram/atpeaceparents
TikTok - www.tiktok.com/@atpeaceparents
Facebook - www.facebook.com/atpeaceparents
YouTube - www.youtube.com/@atpeaceparents
And information on my Courses, Programs, and Coaching is at my At Peace Parents website, www.atpeaceparents.com
Thanks for listening! You are an amazing parent.
Mentioned in this episode:
Paradigm Shift Program
Want me to coach you as you learn and practice the skills and mindsets I talk about in my podcast? I'd love to work with you in my proven-effective Paradigm Shift Program. Click the link to learn more and join the program interest list.