THE EVERGETINOS: A Complete Text - Book 1
Published by: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, Etna, CA - 2008
Episode contents:
HYPOTHESIS 1: No one should despair ever, even if he has committed many sins, but should have hope that, through repentance, he shall be saved.
HYPOTHESIS 2: As long as we are in the present life, we must do good here and not delay until the future. For after death we cannot set things aright.
HYPOTHESIS 3: Concerning how we should repent.
HYPOTHESIS 4: That the afflicted should be guided slowly in the works of repentance.
HYPOTHESIS 5: That we must always call to mind death and the future judgement; for he who does not continually expect death and the future judgement is easily overcome by passions.
HYPOTHESIS 6: The Joy of Heaven is inexpressible, as is the glory which awaits the Saints; therefore, we must remember with our whole souls the joy of Heaven and the glory of the Saints. In all that we accomplish, nothing is equal to that joy and glory.
HYPOTHESIS 7: Many times the souls of virtuous people are made cheerful at the time of death by some Divine overshadowing, and thus they depart from the body.
HYPOTHESIS 8: Regarding those who die and come to life again, and how this happens by Divine Providence. And how many times sinners while still alive, beholding the torments of Hell and the demons, shudder with fear; and in this state of fear, their souls depart from the body.
HYPOTHESIS 9: Proof of where the souls of the dying go and how they exist after their separation from the body.
HYPOTHESIS 10: The soul, after its departure from the body, undergoes testing in the air by evil spirits which encounter it and attempt to impede its ascent.