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At the heart of what we do is an unwavering belief that growth is possible in the life of individuals on the autism spectrum. This foundational belief comes from the latest autism research and our experience with thousands of cases where the child’s growth-seeking drive has been activated, making a way for the crucial parent-child Guiding Relationship to form and for Dynamic Intelligence to develop.
The podcast Autism: A New Perspective is created by RDIconnect. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
As a parent, receiving an autism diagnosis for your child can feel overwhelming. You may have walked out of that appointment with more questions than answers, weighed down by uncertainty or even fear about the future. But what if, instead of seeing autism as something to “fix,” we affirmed the intrinsic value of our children […]
The post Affirming Neurodiversity with Dr. Rachelle Sheely first appeared on RDIconnect.RDI® remains a groundbreaking approach in a field that often feels stuck. Unlike traditional models, RDI® prioritizes dynamic intelligence: the ability to adapt, problem-solve, and build meaningful relationships.
The post Autism and RDI® in 2025 Part Two with Dr. Steven Gutstein first appeared on RDIconnect.RDI® remains a groundbreaking approach in a field that often feels stuck. Unlike traditional models, RDI® prioritizes dynamic intelligence: the ability to adapt, problem-solve, and build meaningful relationships.
The post Autism and RDI® in 2025 Part One with Dr. Steven Gutstein first appeared on RDIconnect.In this episode of Autism, A New Perspective, Kat Lee speaks with Dr. Rachelle Sheely, President of RDIconnect® about the broad-reaching benefits of RDI®.
The post RDI and Autism: The Big Umbrella first appeared on RDIconnect.In this episode, Lisa shares her journey of over 20 years as a mom of two boys with unique needs. She looked to help them grow into happy, well-adjusted adults.
The post Autism: A Mom’s Journey first appeared on RDIconnect.“I suspect my child has autism. Should we pursue a formal diagnosis?” Kat and Sarah explore the benefits and challenges of getting an official diagnosis—what it can help you access, especially in the U.S., and how it can support your child in living the life they want.
The post Autism and Diagnosis first appeared on RDIconnect.Autistic people often face barriers in accessing appropriate care that non-autistic people do not. Finding clinicians who are equipped and willing to work with autistic children can be especially challenging. So, how can clinicians become better equipped, and how can you ensure your child receives the care they need? Challenges in Accessing Care for Autistic […]
The post Is This Autism? first appeared on RDIconnect.It's possible to reform a Guiding Relationship with children diagnosed with autism, leading to growth-seeking and many more benefits.
Learn more with Dr Sheely
Why do so many people have such low expectations for individuals with autism? Absolutely everyone has potential. The key is unlocking that potential.
The post Unlocking Potential first appeared on RDIconnect.In this episode of Autism: A New Perspective, Kat Lee and Dr. Sheely discuss the history of RDI® Consultants and how they help parents, families and children.
The post Autism and the RDI® Consultant first appeared on RDIconnect.In some ways, there have been dramatic changes in the way we view and treat autism in the 20+ years since the RDI® Program launched. For one, more people are seeing autism like we do here at RDI®, as simply a different way of thinking and being. We know that autism can mean a lot of challenges, but challenges can be overcome.
The post Autism & RDI® in 2024 first appeared on RDIconnect.In this episode of Autism: A New Perspective, host Katherine Lee talks with Dr. Rachelle Sheely about autism, siblings and RDI®.
The post Autism and Siblings first appeared on RDIconnect.In this episode of Autism: A New Perspective, host Katherine Lee brings in a former RDI® student who is now in her 30s. Alysia Elliot and her mom Sharon Sargeant talk about Alysia's life with autism, before RDI® and how starting an RDI® program changed everything.
The post RDI: An Interview With a Former Student first appeared on RDIconnect.In this podcast from RDIconnect® Dr. Rachelle Sheely explains the developmental process involved in RDI and how it can help children and adults alike. Autism: A New Perspective is Available on iTunes! Full Transcript Kat Lee: Hello, and welcome back to Autism: A New Perspective, the podcast show where we help you understand what is […]
The post Autism, Adults & RDI® first appeared on RDIconnect.In this week's podcast, Dr. Sheely talks about the RDI® program for adults. When is it appropriate? Who is an ideal candidate? And how can it help?
The post Starting an RDI® Program as an Adult first appeared on RDIconnect.Dr. Sarah Wayland talks about autism and masking, specifically for teens or young adults in this episode of the RDIconnect® podcast, Autism: A new Perspective.
The post Autistic Teens and Masking first appeared on RDIconnect.The beginnings of the Relationship Development Intervention (RDI®) program happened around 30 years ago, when Dr. Steven Gutstein and Dr. Rachelle Sheely began to ask some questions about autism, like “Why do intelligent, capable adults on the spectrum struggle to maintain independence? What is it about autism that sets people up to not be independent?”
The post The History of RDI® first appeared on RDIconnect.In this episode of "Autism: A New Perspective," Kat is joined by Betty Adkins, M.S., an RDI® Certified Consultant, RDI® parent, and developer of the RDI® Teacher Institute, to talk about RDI® and high school.
The post Implementing RDI® in High School first appeared on RDIconnect.In part two of 'Autism and Parent Empowerment with RDI®,' Lisa and Kat talk about each of the 'Three E's of Empowerment' and why they're important, as well as their own personal experiences as RDI® parents and how RDI® empowered them to take control of their children's growth, learning and futures.
The post Autism and Parent Empowerment with RDI® – Part II first appeared on RDIconnect.In this episode of “Autism: A New Perspective,” Dr. Sheely talks about RDI® and parent empowerment. So many parents of autistic children find that they don’t know what’s going on with their child’s learning and growth - they don’t know what’s happening at the clinics or at school - and they don’t know the next step, or how they can help, and it leaves them feeling powerless.
The post Autism and Parent Empowerment with RDI® first appeared on RDIconnect.Feeling anxious, especially when beginning autism remediation, is common among both children and their parents, but anxiety can have a positive side. It can often make us more responsive and more creative.
The post Autism and Anxiety first appeared on RDIconnect.Wellbeing is defined as the state of being “comfortable, healthy, and happy,” a simple definition for something that, for many people, isn’t quite so simple. Life gets in the way of our self-care and our wellbeing, and this can be especially true for parents of children who have special needs.
The post The Wellbeing of Parents first appeared on RDIconnect.RDI® can help all families, and your child can benefit from starting RDI® at any age, but the program is designed to promote growth, learning, development, and the ability to have relationships and perform necessary life skills, and, eventually, independence in adulthood. Your child can benefit from RDI® into their teen years and into young adulthood, if they are not yet ready for adulthood.
The post Moving into Adulthood with RDI® first appeared on RDIconnect.In this episode of Autism: A New Perspective, Kat Lee talks with special guest Dr. Sarah Wayland, an RDI® Certified Consultant and parenting coach, about raising autistic teens, RDI® and navigating high school on the spectrum.
The post RDI® and High School first appeared on RDIconnect.Using functioning diagnostic labels on children and adults with autism is damaging to them. Dr. Rachelle Sheely, co-founder of RDIconnect talks more about it.
The post Why are Autism Labels SO Damaging? first appeared on RDIconnect.In this episode of “Autism: A New Perspective,” we continue the discussion about raising girls with autism. Kat Lee is joined by special guest Sharon Sargeant, an RDI® parent whose daughter is now an adult. Sharon talks about the difficulty of getting a diagnosis in the early 90s, trying ABA, and discovering RDI® when her daughter was 12 years old.
The post Autism and Girls: Part 2 first appeared on RDIconnect.As parents, we can use RDI® concepts to introduce our children to more variables and increasingly dynamic situations, when they are ready. Children with autism are more than capable of achieving growth, development, and quality of life, just like neurotypical children, but they must be given the chance - and they must be able to move at their own pace.
The post RDI®: An Introduction to the Dynamic World first appeared on RDIconnect.In this episode, Kat Lee and special guest Nargis Carnahan delve into the joys and challenges of raising a daughter on the spectrum, and how autistic girls who grow up to be autistic women have a set of their own unique challenges they must face.
The post Girls and Autism first appeared on RDIconnect.In this episode of "Autism: A New Perspective," Dr. Sheely talks about the things that might trigger a state of crisis again for some parents, how to know if you're in a crisis state, and what you can do to move yourself out of it.
The post When Parents Experience Crisis first appeared on RDIconnect.What makes us human is the product of our orientation and our engagement with a dynamic variation. So how does this fit into a world where you are resistant to change? How can you help your child, without overwhelming or stressing them out, see the world as something to be discovered and experienced?
The post Autism and Resistance to Change first appeared on RDIconnect.Why does RDI® use Consultants? When we got interested in autism, the incident was 1 in 10,000 people, and what we were seeing was parents giving their children over to “professionals”, assuming that anybody would be better with their children than they were. Dr. Gutstein and I never believed that so the consultant model was […]
The post Autism, RDI® and the Importance of the RDI® Consultant first appeared on RDIconnect.Dynamic Intelligence is thriving in a world with partial predictability and getting used to living in a world of uncertainty.
The post Managing a Dynamic World Part II first appeared on RDIconnect.Sometimes there is a misconception that RDI does not work with children who are non-verbal, that this is not for them. But Dr. Rachelle Sheely talks about her work with children on the spectrum that were non-verbal and how RDI® can be used with every child.
The post RDI and Non-Verbal Children first appeared on RDIconnect.A lot of people think there's this continuum of dynamic on one end and static on the other, where you got this opposite... That sort of the opposite of static, and it's not at all. On the one end, you've got static, but on the other end you've got chaotic or random. And that's what systems theories tell us, and there are two very important ways in which dynamic situations or systems are different from their chaotic ones.
The post Managing a Dynamic World Part 1 first appeared on RDIconnect.When you have someone older the parents are often very tired, because they've been trying so many things. It's very difficult for them to dream again.
The post Teens, Adults and the RDI® Program first appeared on RDIconnect.For some reason, the necessary MindGuiding Relationship that typically forms between parent and child during the first year of life doesn't happen with autistic individuals--but with RDI®, it is possible to re-establish this relationship and nurture the growth mindset in your child.
The post Why RDI and What is It?: Part II first appeared on RDIconnect.In the general population, there's a spectrum of people. Not everybody is going to be a college professor, and some people are going to have jobs as an assistant at Starbucks, and other people are going to have jobs as engineers. And so when I see someone who has a job as a greeter at Starbucks and has autism and has a girlfriend, I see that as an incredible success.
The post Your Child and Relationships and Marriage first appeared on RDIconnect.With the rate of employment among ASD adults low and rates of depression and suicide high, it's clear that something isn't working. RDI addresses this deficit.
The post Why RDI and What Is It? first appeared on RDIconnect.My advice to RDI® parents is to make sure you and your consultant are asking, "How does everybody get on the same page and how do you come together as a family?" Not an autism family, but how do you come together as a family?
The post Autism and Marriage for Parents first appeared on RDIconnect.As children with autism grow up and inch closer to adulthood, there are sometimes lingering concerns--What if we didn’t do enough? What if we went in the wrong direction? What if independence isn’t possible?--but growth is possible into adulthood.
The post Teens, Adults & Autism first appeared on RDIconnect.RDI® focuses on well-being in children with Autism, rather than assessments and measurements, giving them independence and true quality of life.
The post The Heart of RDI®: Your Child & Well Being Part II first appeared on RDIconnect.RDI® is a developmental pathway to gradually moving more and more and more towards self-management and self-guiding in a dynamic world.
The post The Heart of RDI: Your Child and Wellbeing first appeared on RDIconnect.For all of us who have had a child diagnosed with autism, we know that they aren’t the only person who is vulnerable in what’s going on.
The post Finding Balance After an Autism Diagnosis first appeared on RDIconnect.All of these feelings that accompany a diagnosis of your child are ok. Other parents have felt the same way, you are not alone.
The post Feelings that Accompany an Autism Diagnosis first appeared on RDIconnect.Dr. Steven Gutstein continues his examination of the link between autism and suicide in part 2 of his podcast.
The post Autism & Suicide Part 2 first appeared on RDIconnect.Why the suicide rate is higher for children and adults with an autism diagnosis and what we can do to help them.
The post Autism & Suicide first appeared on RDIconnect.When we have high expectations for our children with autism it makes a huge difference. Believing in our kids will help them believe in themselves!
The post Presuming Competence in Your Children with Autism first appeared on RDIconnect.I believe that if we can balance the seriousness of the diagnosis with hope the extended family can become a wonderful support for the parents, but they have to understand what autism really means.
The post Helping Our Families Understand Autism first appeared on RDIconnect.Welcome back to ASD: A New Perspective, the podcast show where we help you understand what is going on in the mind of your child, and we do encourage you that growth for your child is possible. I'm Kat Lee, and in this podcast, Dr. Gutstein continues his conversation with us about adapting and reminds us that it is so important for both parents and professionals to know of the value of adapting for our children.
The post Adapting and Changing When Things Aren’t Working Part II first appeared on RDIconnect.How do we help our children learn how to change when things aren't working for them? Welcome to ASD: A New Perspective, RDIconnect's own podcast show! In this month's episode, Dr. Gutstein talks to us about the importance of adapting and how to help our kids with autism embrace change.
The post RDI and Adapting: Changing When Things Aren’t Working first appeared on RDIconnect.Do you want to home-school your kids but feel unprepared? Learn how to school your kids at home, especially when you may not know how.
The post Schooling At Home first appeared on RDIconnect.Curious about how memory works? Learn from Dr. Gutstein about the importance of changing our mindset on memory and learning from experiences.
The post Changing Our Mindset on Memory first appeared on RDIconnect.We are all impacted in one way or another during this crisis and dealing with COVID-19 but what if we could use this opportunity with our family to overcome crisis in a uniquely RDI way? Imagine what our children could learn about family and what it means to come together! Subscribe on iTunes here! Kat […]
The post Coping with Crisis first appeared on RDIconnect.Children with autism have a desire for everything to stay the same, but what if you could help your kids embrace and even look forward to change?
The post Just Noticeable Differences: A Key to Independence first appeared on RDIconnect.Static Thinking vs Dynamic Thinking When you live in a static thinking world, things either are either similar to one another or they are different. When you live in a dynamic thinking world things are similar AND they are different. So what happens in a world when things are, at the same time, in two […]
The post Static Thinking VS Dynamic Thinking first appeared on RDIconnect.With RDI® all of the simple and everyday experiences we enjoy with our children become huge in terms of their growth.
The post Transitioning to Adulthood: Part 2 first appeared on RDIconnect.Dr. Steven Gutstein talks about how what we think we know about autism may not be true and gives a new definition to help us redefine autism.
The post Redefining Autism first appeared on RDIconnect.Do you have dreams for your child with autism? Dr. Rachelle Sheely talks about how we should never limit the dreams we have for our kids, autism or not, and how to help put them on a path to independence from a young age.
The post Transitioning into Adulthood: Part 1 first appeared on RDIconnect.What we find is that through that more deliberative process of bookmarking, reviewing, constructing, saving, organizing...we also strengthen that encouragement to intuitively recognize something when we see it.
The post Learning from Experience first appeared on RDIconnect.In RDI, we really believe in parents and we also believe that there is a developmental structure inherent in the way children are raised worldwide. And that just because that's difficult for parents who have a child on the spectrum, it doesn't mean it's impossible.
The post Do You Feel Left Out of Your Child’s Therapy? first appeared on RDIconnect.When the foundations of Dynamic Intelligence are set in place, the child begins to use their mind as a very powerful tool.
The post Foundations of Dynamic Intelligence first appeared on RDIconnect.This idea of independence is one that we sometimes skirt because we get caught up in the daily routine of the things that we're teaching or the things that we're doing, or I think we get caught up in avoiding it because we worry about it so much. We're afraid to face it.
The post The Road to Independence first appeared on RDIconnect.One of the critical roles of being a parent is to be a mind guide. We know that. And if you have a child with autism, you can't do it until we help you to develop this and to help the child activate that growth, so you can begin to feel comfortable with it to start orienting more.
The post Why Dynamic Intelligence Part 2 first appeared on RDIconnect.One of the things at the Pan African Congress For Autism that impressed me and really didn't surprise me was that parents and professionals alike had the same concern when they were thinking about the individuals that they deal with who were on the spectrum and their families.
The post RDI®: Hope Around the World first appeared on RDIconnect.Traditional static intelligence is necessary, but it's not sufficient to function in our modern world, which is complex and dynamic in nature.
The post Why Dynamic Intelligence: Part 1 first appeared on RDIconnect.I think the important thing for anybody who is either giving the diagnosis or working with a newly diagnosed family is to help parents know that there's a beginning point, and that that beginning point is almost always the same
The post Your Family & Autism first appeared on RDIconnect.We need to teach children to reflect and you know, that's so much a part of our program to be able to bookmark something, maybe something that doesn't work or maybe something that does work. We have a whole lot of work on that.
The post Theory of Mind: Part 2 first appeared on RDIconnect.Dr. Sheely discusses the value of parents in developing a child's sense of self.
The post The Value of Self first appeared on RDIconnect.Dr. Gutstein breaks down the complexities of Theory of Mind.
The post Theory of Mind: Part 1 first appeared on RDIconnect.Find hope in the new year with the RDI® remediation model.
The post 2019: A New Year in RDI® first appeared on RDIconnect.Dr. Gutstein talks research, dynamic intelligence and going into the future.
The post The Future and Dynamic Intelligence first appeared on RDIconnect.Because your role has become the role of a compensator and not a guide, you start compensating for more and more things and sometimes children grow past the need for compensation.
The post Overcompensating for our Children first appeared on RDIconnect.I haven't found one paper written, and I've read everything, that talks about the potential for remediation of these areas: of neural remediation, of psychosocial remediation. Not one. It's all about can we teach people other ways of functioning, or just neglecting it completely and not even thinking about it.
The post Remediation first appeared on RDIconnect.They doubt their own inside voice and they doubt their own competence. They don't doubt their competence with their other children, but autism is a wedge, it's like a wedge with glue, and it drives families apart.
The post Time To Fly: Trusting Your Instincts with Your Child first appeared on RDIconnect.One of the things we do when we are forming experience representations are always doing enactments. We're not using narrative words, we're doing enactments.
The post Gestures and Communication: Part 2 first appeared on RDIconnect.What I liked about the conversation was that these six things show a self-reflection, they show the hard work he's done, they actually kind of document the guiding relationship he had with his parents.
The post HOPE: A Case Study first appeared on RDIconnect.When we're using our body, we tend to use that part of the brain that manages experiences. Many people with Autism have been taught to use language as a task. As a performance-based measure. They wind up losing the sense of experience. The sense of flow with other people.
The post Gestures and Communication: Part 1 first appeared on RDIconnect.The whole point of RDI is that we want our children to become independent in the way that they're going to become independent is by learning to think and to use their brains in a way that they need to be used.
The post School and Your Child first appeared on RDIconnect.The main obstacle if you're a parent is that your child is not coming to you with the excitement, the motivation to grow. But RDI can help.
The post Main Obstacle for Parents first appeared on RDIconnect.In RDI we believe there is a parallel process between the consultant and the parent, and the parent and the child... We're giving them the tools so they can begin to think of their own objectives, they can come up with them.
The post Empowering the Family! first appeared on RDIconnect.There's still an implicit assumption that people with Autism have to fake it, or that if you just get them to behave a certain way, that that's a sign of great progress. We have to change it.
The post More than Social Skills! first appeared on RDIconnect.Sometimes when an autism diagnosis comes in, there’s a veil that falls over our dreams. Will there be hope again?
The post Take the Autism Glasses Off! first appeared on RDIconnect.Gestures and Autism: The Importance of SELF Communication
The post The Importance of Self-Communication first appeared on RDIconnect.Sometimes. we help our children too much. This podcast is a great reminder to always focus on where we want our children to be at age 21, and how to get them there.
The post Moving Our Children Forward first appeared on RDIconnect.Dr. Steven Gutstein explains how the RDI Model doesn't teach skills, but improves the brain's ability to function in a way that leads to more successful outcomes.
The post We’re NOT Teaching Skills first appeared on RDIconnect.Dr. Rachelle Sheely continues her discussion on the crisis after a diagnosis and finding hope with RDI.
The post Dare to Dream first appeared on RDIconnect.There are differences in how children with autism develop, but there is hope for growth and connection with RDI.
The post Why There is Hope in RDI first appeared on RDIconnect.Dr. Rachelle Sheely speaks directly to parents about how to move forward after an autism diagnosis.
The post Parents, You’ve Done Nothing Wrong! first appeared on RDIconnect.Autism, social relationships, and relating to the self.
The post The Importance of Self first appeared on RDIconnect.Why we should have great expectations for autistic children.
The post Great Expectations: Part 2 first appeared on RDIconnect.Age or growth. What is the most important thing to look at when evaluating progress?
The post The Age of Your Child first appeared on RDIconnect.Dr. Rachelle Sheely talks about how we SHOULD have great expectations & dreams for our children with autism.
The post Great Expectations for Our Children first appeared on RDIconnect.Dr. Gutstein talks about the importance of placing high expectations on our children in order to see growth.
The post High Expectations first appeared on RDIconnect.Join Dr. Gutstein and Kat Lee as they talk about the KEY to RDI: Your child and growth.
The post The RDI KEY first appeared on RDIconnect.Listen as Dr. Gutstein gives words of hope for parents of children with autism in the new year.
The post Hope for Parenting Our Children first appeared on RDIconnect.Dr. Gutsein continues his series, The Heart of RDI®
The post Defining Success as A Parent Guide first appeared on RDIconnect.Dr. Gutstein continues his talk on "The Heart of RDI®"
The post The Heart of RDI®: Part 3 first appeared on RDIconnect.Parents, Anxiety and the Guiding Relationship
The post The Heart of RDI®: Part 2 first appeared on RDIconnect.Is there a time when treatment for autism is no longer viable?
The post Hope for Children of ALL Ages first appeared on RDIconnect.RDI® Goals for children, parents and professionals.
The post Our Goals in RDI® first appeared on RDIconnect.How does Dynamic Intelligence help in treating autism?
The post Dynamic Intelligence in Autism Treatment first appeared on RDIconnect.Dynamic Intelligence is imperative to quality of life, whether you are on the spectrum or not.
The post Why Does My Child Need Dynamic Intelligence? first appeared on RDIconnect.How necessary is Dynamic Intelligence for our children?
The post Dynamic Intelligence Starts Early first appeared on RDIconnect.When your child with ASD is trying to control his environment (either his parents or the world around him) what does it mean?
The post The Controlling Child first appeared on RDIconnect.Dr. Steven Gutstein explains why parents are the most important factor in their child's treatment.
The post Does My Child need Me? first appeared on RDIconnect.Why do we feel so incompetent at times and how do we become empowered as parents again?
The post Why Do I Feel Incompetent as a Parent? first appeared on RDIconnect.In this episode, Dr. Gutstein talks about activities with children and the problems parents can have coming up with ideas to engage their children with autism.
The post I Don’t Know What to DO with My Child first appeared on RDIconnect.Join Dr. Steven Gutstein as he continues his podcast series: Common Concerns for Parents. This week, Dr. Gutstein talks about RDI® Consultants and their importance to the program.
The post The Role of the RDI® Consultant first appeared on RDIconnect.This week, Dr. Gutstein of RDI® starts podcast series: Common Concerns for Parents: Self Stim and More
The post Self-Stim and More first appeared on RDIconnect.In this episode of “ASD: A New Perspective”, Dr. Steven Gutstein RDI® continues his discussion on co-occurring conditions and how they relate to our children's behaviour.
The post What About Behavior: Part 2 first appeared on RDIconnect.In this episode of "ASD: A New Perspective", Dr. Steven Gutstein continues his discussion on co-occurring conditions by talking about behaviour as it relates to autism.
The post What About Behavior? first appeared on RDIconnect.In this episode, Dr. Gutstein continues his talk on co-occurring conditions in autism by discussing self-stim: What is it and why is it common in children with autism.
The post Co-Occurring Conditions: What About Self Stim? first appeared on RDIconnect.In this episode, Dr. Gutstein continues his talk on co-occurring conditions by exploring topics such as eating disorders, OCD and more!
The post Co-Occurring Conditions: Eating Disorders, OCD and More first appeared on RDIconnect.Dr. Steven Gutstein explains co-occurring conditions in autism and how they differ from autism itself.
The post What are Co-Occurring Conditions first appeared on RDIconnect.In this episode, Dr. Steven Gutstein tackles the myth that individuals with autism are not human beings.
The post Being Human first appeared on RDIconnect.Dr. Steve Gutstein discusses the myth that teaching eye contact is the key to autism treatment.
The post Autism Myths: All About Eye Contact first appeared on RDIconnect.In this episode, Dr. Gutstein attacks the myth that all persons with autism are the same.
The post Personality & Your Child first appeared on RDIconnect.Dr. Gutstein shares the devastating and pervasive myth that persons with autism do not long for relationship.
The post Autism Myths: Longing for Relationships first appeared on RDIconnect.This week, Dr. Gutstein explains the divide existing between autism research and clinical intervention.
The post The Great Divide in Autism Treatment first appeared on RDIconnect.In this episode, Dr Gutstein encourages parents that they can enjoy a growth-filled relationship with their child who is on the spectrum.
The post You Can Parent Your Autistic Child! first appeared on RDIconnect.There is hope for people with autism. Regardless of the vulnerabilities that might be present, all children can become co-participants in their growth and not just 'objects' of our interventions.
The post Hope for Individuals with Autism first appeared on RDIconnect.A successful Guiding Relationship takes two active participants. But as autism interrupts natural development, infants shut down in their ability to participate and can offer nothing for parents to respond to or guide.
The post Signs that Autistic Infants Are Motivated to Maintain Stability first appeared on RDIconnect.The most devastating consequence of autism is the loss of access to a Guiding Relationship for infants, which is vital for their growth and development.
The post The Biggest Loss for Infants & Parents first appeared on RDIconnect.In this episode, Dr. Gutstein explain what is happening initially in the brains of autistic infants as they begin to diverge from typical development.
The post Autistic Infants: The Beginning of Disengagement first appeared on RDIconnect.Dr. Gutstein continues to discuss the typical development of infants in order to lay a foundation for understanding what is happening to our autistic kids.
The post Mental Growth Is Rewarding! first appeared on RDIconnect.In this episode, Dr. Gutstein continues to discuss the similarities and differences of typically-developing infants and those who are later diagnosed with autism.
The post Infants & Parents: How it Works! first appeared on RDIconnect.In this first podcast, Dr. Steven Gutstein starts at the beginning by explaining what happens in infant development in the first months of life.
The post Autism: In the Beginning first appeared on RDIconnect.En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.