This week on the podcast I was so excited to speak with the lovely Lael Stone, who is a champion of creating connection in families. She is a TEDx speaker on Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children, an author, a parenting counsellor, an educator and the mother of 3 mostly grown-up children. She runs workshops, works for the Resilience Project and is the co-creator of Woodline Primary School, a new innovative school based on emotional wellbeing and connection. She also co-hosts the Aware Parenting Podcast.
We talk about how she has practised aware parenting to support her 3rd child to heal from birth trauma and to support her older children to release feelings that had accumulated after not being parented with way for their first few years. We talk about the impact on our grown up children of having been raised this way and the amazing relationships we have with them as a result of Aware Parenting. We share about how we have increasingly been able to support ourselves and prioritise taking care of our needs as mothers, to heal our wounds and traumas. Lael talks about the creation of her school which aims to prioritise connection and emotional health. And we talk about learning to trust our children and ourselves.
To find out more about Lael please visit and follow her at Lael Elizabeth on Facebook and laelstone on Instagram