Welcome back to another episode. This podcast episode is in response to a request from a client and listener to share more about learning to speak the language of compassion. This often comes up in sessions with clients and is something that I also really struggled with when I started Aware Parenting.
In this episode I talk about what compassion is and share the 5 levels of compassion that are described by Gabor Maté in his recent book The Myth of Normal. I give detailed suggestions about how we learn to offer ourselves and our children compassion. I talk about the impact on our children and ourselves of receiving compassion and how this then impacts the whole world.
I really want to acknowledge the impact of the work of both Marion Rose and Gabor Maté and how so much of what I understand about compassion has been shaped by their powerful work. Marion Rose’s courses are available here https://marionrose.net/marion-method-courses/ and her book, co-written with Lael Stone, is available here https://www.booktopia.com.au/raising-resilient-and-compassionate-children-marion-rose/book/9780645551532.html. The Myth of Normal is available here https://www.booktopia.com.au/the-myth-of-normal-gabor-mat-/book/9781785042720.html.
If you would like to learn more, please use this link to sign up for my mailing list https://awareparenting.us14.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=b0f3fda38d97c32be4d00a4aa&id=0c0521fedd . I also have articles on my website to explore this more. If you would like further support to bring more compassion to your family, I am here. Sending love and compassion to you all.