In this episode I am speaking with Katie Parker. Katie is a social worker, postpartum doula, parenting educator, women's circle facilitator and mentor for mums in business, passionate about supporting women to find their most authentic and resourced experience of motherhood and business, without the guilt, overwhelm and depletion. She loves supporting parents to build connected and respectful relationships with their children, through listening to feelings, play, and exploring their own childhood imprinting. Katie provides perinatal counselling, parenting and motherhood support through one-on-one sessions, workshops, local mothers' groups and retreats both online and in Gippsland, Victoria. She is also a mother of two beautiful children who have been her biggest teachers in life.
Katie shares how she discovered Aware Parenting and all the different supports that she benefitted from as she started to practice it in her family. We discuss the deconditioning process from the cultural conditioning of the selfless mother as we learned to take care of ourselves as well as our children, to ask for help and to drop the guilt, the shoulds, the comparisons and the self-judgment. We talk about how we all need to have support in our lives for the role of motherhood and finding places where we can be authentically ourselves. We talk about how to intentionally slow down and having the space to receive listening ourselves in order to then hold space for our children.
If you want to learn more about Katie, please visit her website and follow her on Instagram at If you want to learn more about the Exploring Aware Parenting Community with Danni Willow, please visit