Welcome back to a new episode where I respond to a listener’s question about how to navigate the challenging, messy moments we have with our partner/co-parent. In this 3rd episode about partners, I talk about how to bring more compassion and connection to our partnerships using the Aware Parenting framework and how the aspects and principles support us to have better relations. I talk about cultivating trust in our families and supporting our children at times of conflict and disconnection. I talk about how to reduce conflict and tools for bringing more empathy and connection between us and the other parent of our children.
If you want to learn more about this, my course Aware Partnering in Parenthood dives into all this in depth. To learn more, please visit https://awareparenting.com.au/my-courses/aware-partnering-in-parenthood/. At the time of recording this is January 2024, there is a 20% off sale on this course. I also offer joint sessions with both partners to support more ease and connection in parenting. I invite you to get in touch if you would like more support.