In this episode, we're doing something different! Join us for a special screen-sharing edition of our podcast series, as we take a deep dive into AWS Copilot, a service designed to simplify container application deployment on AWS. During this video, we'll be sharing our screens as we walk through the AWS Copilot landing page and documentation, and demonstrate how to use the service to deploy a container application. We highly recommend watching the video version of this episode, as we'll be providing a lot of visual guidance and examples. Starting with the basics, we'll learn about the differences between copilot init and copilot app init, and how to prepare our environment using a custom domain. We'll then walk through the deployment process step-by-step, examining the generated configuration file, manifest.yml, and testing our deployed application. Next, we'll explore the networking resources created by AWS Copilot, including a VPC, subnets, and a load balancer, and review the automation capabilities of CodePipeline. We'll also discuss the options available for rolling out new changes, and demonstrate how to make changes and re-deploy through the pipeline. Throughout the video, we will share their thoughts and opinions on AWS Copilot, including a failed attempt with AppRunner and a review of the pipeline execution and timing.
AWS Bites is sponsored by fourTheorem, an AWS Consulting Partner offering training, cloud migration, and modern application architecture.
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