Tom Godden, Enterprise Strategist with AWS and Executive advisor shares his experience as both a CIO and CTO on how to drive higher value from data strategies.
Topics include:
- About the Enterprise Strategy team
- Learning from customers using data to go from vision to value
- Speed and agility is the only differentiator
- What it means to be a data-driven enterprise
- How companies like Disney, Formula 1 and Amazon use data as a differentiator
- “Data is the new oil” – CIO Magazine
- 79% of the challenges around the adoption of data are cultural
- 4 “Es” of data – Engage, Enable, Educate, Eliminate
- Insist on having the data
- One way and two-way doors & Two pizza teams
- Decentralize data producers, distribute throughout organization
- Be prepared to re-evaluate your metrics
- Govern to enable, not to restrict
- Building tenets for data policies and procedures
- A data asset is not successfully deployed until it is fully automated
- Think big and execute small
- Building a smarter organization leveraging machine learning
- A mission statements needs to mean something
- Work to eliminate biases
- Avoiding “The Frozen Middle”
- Be clear on the “why” for implementing machine learning
- Start small and think big with AI
- Presentation wrap up