Tim LoGrasso of Kickdrum and Matt Thompson of AWS host a roundtable sharing best practices for software mergers and acquisitions.
Topic include:
- Karthik Krishnamurthy introduction
- Tim LoGrasso, Kickdrum introduction
- Maturity model for calculating risk in M&A
- M&A changes and challenges in 2023
- Matt Thompson, AWS introduction
- Is architecture a focus when considering M&A?
- Most M&A struggles due to product team misalignment
- Containers, APIs in compute infrastructure easier to integrate than Monoliths
- M&As are often driven by Finance and Business Development, not so much Product Teams
- Time metric to measure success and failure for M&As
- Building a case for M&A vs build
- Preethi Srinivasan (Druva, DataStax) on due diligence for M&A considerations
- Pre-integration Proof of Concepts increase the success rate
- 90 day and 12 month plans with funding models to deliver the joint opportunity
- Understand the ‘white space’ to address with the combination of products
- What can product teams do to accelerate value?
- Identify potential friction points and how to address
- Access to cheap compute power is important
- Guidance on managing customer data during M&A
- The customer data to review
- Managing people risk during an M&A
- Session wrap up