Burning down the house! Well, not really. But we're moving in to one and it's keeping me busy and it keeps me from doing the podcast. Still only 9 days (or so) apart. Hopefully I can keep this pace up!
Today we listen to some major label prog death, some non-riffing anonymous bullshit death, some darkstep (!!!), some old man's death and a little bit o' somethin' from the vault. Cherish and praise! And don't forget to heed!
And oh! I forgot to thank Joakim Egestedt for the Horrendous melody. Thanks mate!
Whole lotta dissatisfaction!
//Lord B.L.
Horrendous - The Idolater
The Heretic's Fork - Concealed in Infamy
Dusk - The Next Me
Deicide - Seal the Tomb Below
God Dethroned - The Crown for the Morbid