Imagine a ruler who turns his nation's military forces against his own citizenry for expediant, political gain. Pretty far fetched, right? Super unbelievable, I bet you're thinking. When would this ever happen?! Well, to make matters worse, as if that's possible, what if this ruler has armed this elite fighting force with a newly invented weapon of precise destruction, a flying weapon of death, capable of decapitating his enemies in a matter of seconds. What would such a weapon even be called? This is the Flying Guillotine! Realizing that the system is corrupt, one soldier turns against his ruler in an all out war, leaving the justice of a nation hanging in the balance. Will good triumph over evil? Will one man's insane, political machinations be thwarted by the will of the people? Watch The Flying Guillotine, and then listen in to join our conversation. But above all else, and in all seriousness, be careful out there. History may not repeat itself, but it certainly rhymes, and real life doesn't always have a happy ending like the movies, unless you stand up and make it so.