In a spellbinding episode of "Back on the Broomstick", Laylla and Chelle embark on a whimsical exploration of magical names. Join them as they delve into the captivating realm of mystical identities, discussing why witches may choose to adopt magical names, how to acquire one that resonates with your true essence, and the intriguing question of whether having a magical name is a prerequisite for being a real witch.
Be prepared for laughter and enchantment as the witches share personal anecdotes, dive into various naming traditions across different magical paths, and even sprinkle in a hilarious reference to the Kardashians taking a year to name a child (because, let's face it, naming can be tough!).
Whether you're seeking to embrace a magical identity or simply curious about the secrets behind mystical names, this episode will inspire you to embark on a name-giving adventure of your own. So tune in, embrace your inner sorcery, and let Laylla and Chelle cast a spell of laughter and wisdom as they unveil the captivating world of magical names.
Mentioned in this episode
The Witch's Name: Crafting Identities of Magical Power
Storm Faerywolf
Power of the Witch: The Earth, the Moon, and the Magical Path to Enlightenment
Laurie Cabot
The Science Of The Craft: Modern Realities in the Ancient Art of Witchcraft
William H. Keith
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