Back on the Broomstick: Old Witchcraft, New Path
In this spellbinding episode of 'Back on the Broomstick', Chelle and Laylla delve into the intricate world of knot magic. Journey with them as they trace its murky roots, exploring its profound symbolism and the power that lies within each loop and twist. They'll share insights on how this age-old practice has been adapted for the modern witch. Learn hands-on techniques, types of knot magic using braids, sewing or crochet, and how to intertwine your intentions into your magical workings. This episode is full of spell ideas. Ever wanted to learn how to use knot magic and a strategically destroyed tshirt to get rid of ties to an ex lover once and for all? Laylla has a spell for that! So, grab your cords and let's weave some magic together in this spellbinding discussion on knot magic
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