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Breastfeeding after a cesarean delivery? Is it different than after a vaginal birth? Absolutely. But how? Listen today as Dianne and Abby discuss breastfeeding after cesarean (listener request!) and how you can get through it.
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Things we talked about:
The message behind the episode [3:25]
Rates of c-sec [8:43]
Gentle c-sec- baby to family in the OR [10:30]
Skin to skin time [11:24]
Positioning [17:32]
Squeeze! [19:10]
Hospital tips [23:10]
Baby carriers [28:48]
Abby asked the internet! [32:58]
Delayed milk [36:55]
Links to information we discussed or episodes you should check out!
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Here is how you can connect with Dianne and Abby:
AbbyTheuring ,
Dianne Cassidy @diannecassidyibclc,
Music we use:
Music: "Levels of Greatness" from "We Used to Paint Stars in the Sky (2012)" courtesy of Scott Holmes at Holmes